alexkander / loopback-socket

Loopback module for create connections and allow call methods and make subscriptions
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auth events express expressjs io loopback realtime security socket strongloop subscription websocket


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Loopback module for create connections and allow call methods.


npm install loopback-socket --save


Server side


const LoopbackSocket = require('loopback-socket');

LoopbackSocket.get(name, [timeout])

Create or get a instance with a specific name.

Name Type Description
name string Name to instance. Required
[timeout] integer Time to wait authentication after establish connection before disconnect the socket. Optional.
const loopbackSocket = LoopbackSocket.get('name');
const loopbackSocket = LoopbackSocket.get('name', 2000);


Configure authentication, callbacks and methods with a server socket.

Name Type Description
io object Server Socket IO instance. Required.
const server = require('http').createServer();
const io = require('')(server);


Set the function to authenticate connected sockets.

Name Type Description
authentication autentication function or object Function called with (socket, credentials, [cb]) arguments or object like { model: Model, method: methodName } where Model is a class and methodName is one of its methods (defined or to be defined) like autentication function.
Authentication function

If an error is thrown in this function or it return a false value then authentication fails. If argument cb is not defined then the returned value will be a the authentication response, and if this value is a promise, then it will be resolved before.

Name Type Description
socket object Socket connected. Required.
credentials object Credentials received. Required.
[cb] function Callback with (err, success) arguments to async return value with NodeJs callback style. Optional.
// Authentication function with NodeJs callback style
function customAuthentication(socket, credentials, cb) {
  User.getUserByCredentials(credentials, cb);

// Authentication function with direct value returned o Promise style
function customAuthentication(socket, credentials) {
  return User.getUserByCredentials(credentials); // return data or a promise

// Direct setting

// Setting through a Model
function MyModel() {};

  model: MyModel,
  method: 'customAuthentication'

MyModel.customAuthentication = authentication;


Add a on connected handler.

Name Type Description
handler handler function or object Function called with (socket, credentials, [cb]) arguments or object like { model: Model, method: methodName } where Model is a class and methodName is one of its methods (defined or to be defined) with like handler function.
Handler function

If argument cb is not defined then the returned value will be a the handler response, and if this value is a promise, then it will be resolved before.

Name Type Description
socket object Socket connected. Required.
credentials object Credentials received. Required.
[cb] function Callback with (err, success) arguments to async return value with NodeJs callback style. Optional.
// Authentication function with NodeJs callback style
function customOnConnectedHandler(socket, credentials, cb) {
  User.getUserByCredentials(credentials, cb);

// Authentication function with direct value returned o Promise style
function customOnConnectedHandler(socket, credentials) {
  return User.getUserByCredentials(credentials); // return data or a promise

// Direct adding

// Adding through a Model
function MyModel() {};

  model: MyModel,
  method: 'customOnConnectedHandler'

MyModel.customOnConnectedHandler = customOnConnectedHandler;


Remove a connected handler

Name Type Description
handler function or object Function called with (socket, credentials, [cb]) arguments or object like { model: Model, method: methodName } where Model is a class and methodName is one of its methods (defined or to be defined) with like handler function.
// Direct remove

// Remove Model method
function MyModel() {};

  model: MyModel,
  method: 'customOnConnectedHandler'

loopbackSocket.defineMethod(methodName, method)

Define a method to call by socket connection or replace one existing.

Name Type Description
methodName string Method name.
method method function or object Function called with (socket, credentials, args, [cb]) arguments or object like { model: Model, method: methodName } where Model is a class and methodName is one of its methods (defined or to be defined) with like method function.
Method function

If argument cb is not defined then the returned value will be the method called reponse, and if this value is a promise, then it will be resolved before.

Name Type Description
socket object Socket connected. Required.
credentials object Credentials received. Required.
args. object Arguments to call method. Required.
[cb] function Callback with (err, success) arguments to async return value with NodeJs callback style. Optional.
/// Method function with NodeJs callback style
function customMethod(socket, credentials, args, cb) {
  let data;

  // Option 1
  cb(null, data); // Client receives { result: data }

  // Option 2
  cb('myError');  // Client receives { error: 'myError' }


/// Method function with direct value returned o Promise style
function customMethod(socket, credentials, args) {
  let dataOrPromise;

  // Option 1
  return dataOrPromise; // Client receives { result: dataOrPromiseResolvedValue }

  // Option 2
  throw 'myError'; // Client receives { error: 'myError' }


// Direct definition
loopbackSocket.defineMethod('customMethod', customMethod);

// Definition through a Model
function MyModel() {};

loopbackSocket.defineMethod('customMethod', {
  model: MyModel,
  method: 'customMethod',

MyModel.customMethod = customMethod;


Remove a method of socket.

Name Type Description
methodName string Method name to remove.
// Direct remove

Client side sample

const socket = io('http://localhost');

socket.on('connect', (socket) => {
  // send credentials
  socket.emit('authentication', credentials);

socket.on('authenticated', (socket) => {
  // socket authenticated

socket.on('unauthorized', (socket) => {
  // socket failed authentication

function callMyMethod() {
  // Call a defined socket method
  socket.emit('myMethod', {}, (response) => {
    if (response.error) {
      // Method return a error;
    // Method success;


Loopback + AngularJS:


If you have any kind of trouble with it, just let me now by raising an issue on the GitHub issue tracker here:

Also, you can report the orthographic errors in the READMEs files or comments. Sorry for that, I do not speak English.


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