alexkasko / krakatau-java

Assembler, disassembler and decompiler for Java class files
GNU General Public License v3.0
18 stars 4 forks source link

Java disassembler, assembler and decompiler

This project contains tools from Krakatau python library embedded into java library using Jython.

Command line tool and maven plugin were built on top of this library.

Krakatau java library

This library contains jython-standalone library merged with Krakatau python source code using maven shade plugin. It allows to use all Krakatau operations (disassembler, assembler and decompiler) as usual Java API without CPython. It also contains standalone java compiler (eclipse ecj) that allows to compile Java sources with the API similar to other operations.

Javadocs are available here.

Library dependency (from maven central):



API usage example:

List<String> classes = Arrays.asList("", "")
List<File> classpath = ...
File outputDir = new File("out");
KrakatauLibrary krakatau = new KrakatauLibrary().
krakatau.decompile(classpath, classes, outputDir);

Command line tool

Command line tool was created mainly for testing purposes, Jython slow startup make it impractical comparing to original Krakatau.

Download krakatau.jar-1.1 (sha256sum).

Maven plugin

This maven plugin is a kind of poor-man's IDE plugin for disassemble and decompilation of Java classes. Plugin may be configured in pom file to be run from command line (or IDE interface) as follows (see pom example and maven-generated plugin site):

mvn krakatau:assemble
mvn krakatau:disassemble
mvn krakatau:decompile
mvn krakatau:compile

Also decompile operation in Krakatau requires Java classpath that may be cumbersome to specify from CLI, but very easy in Maven - project dependencies are used as a classpath.

License information

This project is released under the GNU Public License 3.0 (it's required by original Krakatau license).


1.1 (2015-04-30)

1.0.1 (2013-10-03)

1.0 (2013-10-01)