alexmbird / uk-it-recruiter-domains

List of the domains of UK IT recruiters & some scripts for processing it.
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List of the domains of UK IT recruiters & some scripts for processing it.


I get a torrent of email from IT recruiters. Some of them contain well-targeted, intelligble specs for jobs I might actually want. Most don't, and I don't want them clogging up my inbox.

Maintaining a list of domains they send email from makes it easy to filter messages into their own folder. It's easy to process the list into formats suitable for different mail systems: gmail and sieve rulesets are currently supported and contributions for others are welcome.

Google Mail

GMail support is achieved via filters, you can import gmailFilters.xml, which is generated by running scripts/domains2gmail.rb, from the filters page in the interface.

# ./scripts/domains2gmail.rb
# ls -l gmailFilters.xml
-rw-r--r--  1 mock mock  13501  3 Dec 11:30 gmailFilters.xml

A few things worth noting:


There are two ways to do this.


Checkout the project from GitHub, add your line to domains.txt and send a pull request with it in. Please try to keep the sorting correct and add only the domain, not a full email address. is good; is bad.


Use the '' script. This takes care of duplicate checking & sorting and automatically strips any username@ portion of the string you feed it. Also it's smart enough to push your changes back to GitHub if you ask it to.

MockAir13:uk-it-recruiter-domains mock$ ./scripts/
domain extracted from email address:
Adding '' to domains.txt
Don't forget to commit & push to GitHub


MockAir13:uk-it-recruiter-domains mock$ ./scripts/ -p
domain extracted from email address:
Adding '' to domains.txt
...commits & pushes to GitHub



Recruiter Ham is a fledgling project to build a reputation system for recruiters with an easy-to-use gmail interface.