alexmercerind / dart_vlc

Flutter bindings to libVLC.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
504 stars 136 forks source link
audio audio-player broadcast chromecast dart equalizer flutter flutter-desktop hacktoberfest libvlc linux playback record video video-player windows


Flutter audio / video playback, broadcast & recording library for Windows & Linux.

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## Installation _pub.dev_ ```yaml dependencies: ... dart_vlc: ^0.1.9 ``` _GitHub_ ```yaml dependencies: dart_vlc: git: url: ref: master dependency_overrides: dart_vlc_ffi: git: url: ref: master path: ffi ``` Feel free to open a [new issue]( or [discussion](, if you found a bug or need assistance. ## Documentation Checkout [Setup](#setup) section to configure plugin on your platform. #### Initialize the library. ```dart void main() { DartVLC.initialize(); runApp(MyApp()); } ``` #### Create a new player instance. ```dart final player = Player(id: 69420); ``` For passing VLC CLI arguments, use `commandlineArguments` argument. ```dart final player = Player( id: 69420, commandlineArguments: ['--no-video'], ); ``` #### Create a media for playback. ```dart final file = Media.file(File('C:/music.mp3')); final asset = Media.asset('assets/audio/example.mp3'); final network =''); // Clip [Media] playback duration. final media2 = '', startTime: Duration(seconds: 20), stopTime: Duration(seconds: 60), ); ``` #### Create a list of medias using playlist. ```dart final playlist = Playlist( medias: [ Media.file(File('C:/music.mp3')), Media.file(File('C:/audio.mp3')), Media.asset('assets/audio/example.mp3'),''), ], ); ``` #### Open a media or playlist into a player. ```dart Media.file(File('C:/music0.mp3')), autoStart: true, // default ); ``` ```dart Playlist( medias: [ Media.file(File('C:/music0.mp3')), Media.file(File('C:/music1.mp3')), Media.file(File('C:/music2.mp3')), ], ), autoStart: false, ); ``` #### Control playback. ```dart; 30)); player.pause(); player.playOrPause(); player.stop(); ``` #### Controls the playlist. ```dart; player.previous(); player.jumpToIndex(10); ``` #### Manipulate an already playing playlist. ```dart player.add( Media.file(File('C:/music0.mp3')), ); player.remove(4); player.insert( 2, Media.file(File('C:/music0.mp3')), ); player.move(0, 4); ``` #### Set playback volume & rate. ```dart player.setVolume(0.5); player.setRate(1.25); ``` #### Get & change playback device. ```dart List devices = Devices.all; player.setDevice(devices[0]); ``` #### Save the video screenshot ```dart player.takeSnapshot(file, 1920, 1080); ``` #### Show the video inside widget tree. Show `Video` in the `Widget` tree. ```dart class _MyAppState extends State { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( body: Video( player: player, height: 1920.0, width: 1080.0, scale: 1.0, // default showControls: false, // default ), ); } } ``` By default, `Video` widget's frame size will adapt to the currently playing video. To override this & define custom video frame size, pass `videoDimensions` argument while instanciating `Player` class as follows. ```dart Player player = Player( id: 69420, videoDimensions: const VideoDimensions(640, 360), ); ``` #### Change user agent. ```dart player.setUserAgent(userAgent); ``` #### Retrieve metadata of media. ```dart Media media = '', parse: true, timeout: Duration(seconds: 10), ); Map metas = media.metas; ``` #### Listen to playback events. (Same can be retrieved directly from `Player` instance without having to rely on stream). Listen to currently loaded media & playlist index changes. ```dart player.currentStream.listen((CurrentState state) { state.index;; state.medias; state.isPlaylist; }); ``` Listen to playback position & media duration. ```dart player.positionStream.listen((PositionState state) { state.position; state.duration; }); ``` Listen to playback states. ```dart player.playbackStream.listen((PlaybackState state) { state.isPlaying; state.isSeekable; state.isCompleted; }); ``` Listen to volume & rate of the `Player`. ```dart player.generalStream.listen((GeneralState state) { state.volume; state.rate; }); ``` Listen to dimensions of currently playing `Video`. ```dart player.videoDimensionsStream.listen((VideoDimensions video) { video.width; video.height; }); ``` Listen to buffering progress of the playing `Media`. ```dart player.bufferingProgressStream.listen( (double event) { this.setState(() { this.bufferingProgress = event; }); }, ); ``` #### Set an equalizer. Create using preset. ```dart Equalizer equalizer = Equalizer.createMode(; player.setEqualizer(equalizer); ``` Create custom equalizer. ```dart Equalizer equalizer = Equalizer.createEmpty(); equalizer.setPreAmp(10.0); equalizer.setBandAmp(31.25, -10.0); equalizer.setBandAmp(100.0, -10.0); player.setEqualizer(equalizer); ``` Get equalizer state. ```dart equalizer.preAmp; equalizer.bandAmps; ``` #### Broadcast a media. Broadcasting to localhost. ```dart final broadcast = Broadcast.create( id: 0, media: Media.file(File('C:/video.mp4')), configuration: BroadcastConfiguration( access: 'http', mux: 'mpeg1', dst: '', vcodec: 'mp1v', vb: 1024, acodec: 'mpga', ab: 128, ), ); broadcast.start(); ``` Dispose the `Broadcast` instance to release resources. ```dart broadcast.dispose(); ``` #### Record a media. ```dart final record = Record.create( id: 205, media:''), pathFile: '/home/alexmercerind/recording.MP3', ); record.start(); ``` ## Setup ### Windows Everything is already set up. ### Linux For using this plugin on Linux, you must have [VLC]( & [libVLC]( installed. **On Ubuntu/Debian:** ```bash sudo apt-get install vlc ``` ```bash sudo apt-get install libvlc-dev ``` **On Fedora:** ```bash sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm ``` ```bash sudo dnf install vlc ``` ```bash sudo dnf install vlc-devel ``` ## Support Consider sponsoring this project. Maintenance of open-source software & libraries is severely under-paid or not paid at all. Writing C++ & native code is a very tedious process. - [PayPal]( - [Patreon]( - [GitHub Sponsors]( ## Acknowledgements - BIG thanks to [@jnschulze]( for his awesome contributions to this project & to the Flutter engine itself like adding texture support & adding macOS support here. I have learnt a lot about modern C++ & good-practices when writing code from you, thanks a lot for your guidances, reviews, work & donation. I'm really really thankful to you. - BIG thanks to [@DomingoMG]( for adding `Record` and `Chromecast` classes. Also, thanks a lot for donation to the project & giving me motivation to start building this. I would've never attempted this if you didn't motivate me. And now that it started, `dart_vlc` has grown a lot. - Thanks to [@tomassasovsky]( for adding visual controls to `Video` widget. - Thanks to following members of libVLC community (irrespective of the order) for giving general ideas about libVLC APIs: - [@jeremyVignelles]( - [@chouquette]( - [@mfkl]( - [@caprica]( - Finally, thanks to the [VideoLAN]( team for creating [libVLC]( & [libVLC++]( Really great guys really great at their work. ## Contributions The code in the project is nicely arranged and follows the clean architecture. Contributions to the project are open, it will be appreciated if you discuss the bug-fix/feature-addition in the issues first. ## License Copyright (C) 2021, Hitesh Kumar Saini . This library & work under this repository is licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1. ## Vision There aren't any media (audio or video) playback libraries for Flutter or Dart on Windows/Linux yet. So, this project is all about that. As one might be already aware, VLC is one of the best media playback tools out there. So, now you can use it to play audio or video files from Flutter or Dart apps. As the project has grown, awesome people from community have added support for iOS & macOS aswell. ## Example You can see an example project [here]( ![]( `dart_vlc` running on Ubuntu Linux. ## Features Done - `Media` playback from `File`. - `Media` playback from network. - `Media` playback from assets. - `play`/`pause`/`playOrPause`/`stop`. - Multiple `Player` instances. - `Playlist`. - `next`/`back`/`jump` for playlists. - `setVolume`. - `setRate`. - `seek`. - Event streams. - `add`/`insert`/`remove`/`move` `Media` inside `Playlist` during playback with no interruption. - Device enumeration & changing. - Retrieving metadata/tags of a `Media`. - Embedding `Video` inside the Flutter window (using texture or natively). - Supporting live streaming links. - `Broadcast` class for broadcasting `Media`. - `Record` class for recording `Media`. - `Chromecast` class. - `Equalizer` configuration & presets. - Changing user agent. - Changing `Video`'s frame size according to video. - Saving screenshot of the video. - Changing/retrieving audio track. - Media clipping. - Support for Windows, Linux or macOS. Under progress or planned features (irrespective of order)... - Bringing project on Android and iOS. - Removing [libVLC++]( dependency. - Subtitle control.