alexmudrak / solscan-parser

This project is a simple Selenium-based parser designed to scrape data from Solscan, a popular Solana blockchain explorer. The parser automates the process of collecting specific blockchain transaction data such as transaction hashes, counts of SOL and SPL tokens involved, and their corresponding USD values.
MIT License
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google-drive google-sheets parser selenium

Simple Selenium Parser for Solscan with Google Sheets Integration

This project is a Selenium-based scraper that collects data from Solscan and saves it to a Google Sheet.



First, clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone
cd solscan-parser

Install the dependencies using Poetry:

poetry install


Before running the application, you need to enable the Google Sheets API and download the credentials.json file:

  1. Enable the Google Sheets API by visiting: Enable Google Sheets API

  2. Download the credentials.json file from: Google API Credentials

Place the credentials.json file in the root directory of the project.

Running the Application

To run the application, use the following command:

poetry run python src/


The application will navigate to the Solscan website, extract the required data, and then authenticate with Google to access and update the specified Google Sheet with the transaction data.