alexmunteanu / VS-Code-Adobe-Development-Utils

Provides several utilities for Adobe scripts development.
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Error using Encode JS selection to JSXBIN #2

Closed notbyhalf closed 2 years ago

notbyhalf commented 2 years ago

Hello and my apologies for a question that possibly has nothing to do wit your VS Code Extension.

I discovered the Adobe Development Utils when searching for a similar issue I was having with [TextToJSXBIN] (

I'm working on macOS and getting the same error on two computers (Catalina and Monterey).

I'm getting the following error when using Encode JS selection to JSXBIN:

Command 'Adobe Dev Utils: Adobe Dev Utils: Encode JS selection to JSXBIN' resulted in an error (dlopen(/Users/laurence/.vscode/extensions/alexmunteanu.adobe-dev-utils-1.2.3/lib/modules/encoder/mac/esdcorelibinterface.node, 1): Library not loaded: @rpath/esdcore.framework/Versions/A/esdcore
  Referenced from: /Users/laurence/.vscode/extensions/alexmunteanu.adobe-dev-utils-1.2.3/lib/modules/encoder/mac/esdcorelibinterface.node
  Reason: image not found)

I'm a little out of my depths with node modules but I'm assuming this should all be bundled with the Adobe Extendscript Debugger extension and be unrelated to any node/npm mess I've created elsewhere on my system ... I hope.

Thanks for anything you can suggest.

notbyhalf commented 2 years ago

I've since learned that Adobe Extendscript Debugger v2 is not yet supported for TextToJSXBIN ... closing my own ticket :)

alexmunteanu commented 2 years ago

Updated to v1.3.0. Can you please check that it works on OSX too?

notbyhalf commented 2 years ago

That's working for me now on OSX with Extendscript Debugger v2.0.3. Thanks!

alexmunteanu commented 2 years ago

Cool! Thanks!