alexmunteanu / VS-Code-Adobe-Development-Utils

Provides several utilities for Adobe scripts development.
MIT License
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Adobe Development Utils

This toolkit extension for Visual Studio Code provides several utilities for developing Adobe scripts & extensions and working with After Effects expressions.

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Script Build

Pack your script into a single file, with the following options:

Check the extension's settings ( for more.

Script Build - Notes

This feature does not replace a proper building tool such as gulp, grunt etc. It's just a quick way of delivering your scripts.

After Effects Expressions

Send and receive After Effects expressions to / from the selected properties.


From VS Code

AE expression - send (VS Code)

To After Effects

AE expression - send (AE)

After Effects Expressions | Send - Usage

After Effects Expressions | Send - Notes


AE expression - receive

After Effects Expressions | Receive - Usage

After Effects Expressions | Receive - Notes

JS selection to String

Converts the selected lines to JS string (single-line / concatenated / multi-line).


JS to String - single line


JS to String - concatenated

Template literal

JS to String - template literal

JS selection to String - Usage

JS selection to String - Notes

JS Obfuscation

Obfuscate and protect the selected JS lines. Uses javascript-obfuscator.

JS Obfuscation

JS Obfuscation - Usage

JS Obfuscation - Notes

JSXBIN Encoding

Encodes the selected JSX lines to JSXBIN. it uses the @esdebug module from ExtendScript Debugger.

JSXBIN Encoding

JSXBIN Encoding - Usage

JSXBIN Encoding - Notes



Convert HEX


