alexpmarks7 / EventsProject

A 3 tier application that can be used to manage sporting and music events
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Events Project

An events application using Visual Studio, C#, SQL and Entity Framework

Table of Contents

  1. Project Goal
  2. Definition of Done
  3. User Definition of Done
  4. [Sprint One](<#Sprint One>)
  5. Sprint Two
  6. Sprint Three
  7. Project_Retrospective

Project Goal

To build a 3 tier application that manages events bookings. Functionality to sell tickets, add and remove events, update event information, and ensure events don't oversell their capacity.



Sprint One

*Sprint One Goals

Sprint Review

Sprint Retrospective


Sprint Two Goals

Sprint Review

Sprint Retrospective


Sprint Two Goals

Sprint Review

Sprint Retrospective


Sprint Three Goals

Sprint Review

Sprint Retrospective


What went well:

What could have been improved upon

Moving forward

Given further sprints, the first thing I would do is refactor the code. There are areas were code is repeated, and this isn't necessary. I'd like to enhance my database, add more tables and make the business layer more functional. I didn't manage to move beyond my MVP Project Backlog, so there are some user stories I'd like to be able to add to the functionality. I need to learn to be more diligent with my commenting of code and documenting of any bugs that arise.

Overall, I am quite proud of my first attempt at a 3 tier application. The project could have run smoother, and the code could be better, but I am proud I managed to create my MVP and I am pleased with it's functionality.

Project Board: Start of Sprint One

Project Board: End of Sprint One

Entity Relationship Diagram: Sprint One

Project Board: Start of Sprint Two

Project Board: End of Sprint Two

Updated ERD

Project Board: Start of Sprint Three

Project Board: End of Sprint Three

Class Diagram

Note: all bugs are documented on GitHub under Issues