alexrobomind / fusionsc

MIT License
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Fusion Scientific Computations

This library contains computation mechanisms to support scientific computation.

For more information see the documentation at

Regular Setup (pip)

FusionSC can be directly installed from pypi. This will also install a binary redistributable for the fusionsc executable.

pip install fusionsc

Alternatively, you can also install from the source (if you have suitable compilers for your python version installed)

git clone
cd fsc
pip install .

Development setup

Preparing & performing the build

To compile the standalone fusionsc executable, you need CMake and a suitable host compiler. On Linux, openssl might additionaly be required.

Linux build (outputs to build/src/c++/tools/fusionsc):

git clone
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../fsc
cmake --build . --target {targetName}

Windows build:

git clone
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../fsc
cmake --build . --target {targetName} --config Release

The following targets are of particular relevance:

Function Target name Output location
fusionsc tool fsc-tool {build}/src/c++/tools
python bindings copy-pybindings {src}/python/fusionsc
tests tests {build}/src/c++
Capnp File ID capnp-id Console

Setting a development install

In order to have a development install compatible with your python version, you need a .pth file in your site-packages dir pointing to the src/python directory to locate the fusionsc package. The util/ script will set one up for you:

python util/