alfa-bravo / docker-push-ssh

Push docker images from your local machine to remote servers without the hassle.
Apache License 2.0
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Push docker images from your local machine to remote servers without the hassle.


docker-push-ssh is a command line utility to push docker images from your local machine to your remote machine via ssh.

It creates a private docker registry on your server, establishes a ssh tunnel (so the registry is never exposed to the public), and uploads your docker image over this ssh tunnel.

Tested on OS X with "Docker for Mac".


  1. Install via pip: pip install docker-push-ssh

  2. Add localhost:5000 to your docker client's insecure registries (requires restart of docker):

[OS X] How to Add Insecure Registry

[Linux] How to Add Insecure Registry

Adding localhost:5000 to your client's insecure registries is inconvenient but a side-effect of docker's design. It only needs to be done once from each machine using docker-push-ssh. This allows the tool to push through the ssh tunnel at localhost:5000 to the temporary registry on your remote host, without needing ssl certificates for your server.


$ docker-push-ssh --help
              [--prime-image PRIME_IMAGE]
              ssh_host docker_image [docker_image ...]

A utility to securely push a docker image from your local host to a remote
host over ssh without using docker save/load or needing to setup a private

positional arguments:
  ssh_host              Host to push docker image to. (ex.
  docker_image          Docker image tag(s) to push. Specify one or more
                        separated by spaces.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i SSH_IDENTITY_FILE, --ssh-identity-file SSH_IDENTITY_FILE
                        [required] Path to the ssh identity file on your local
                        host. Required, password auth not supported.
  -p SSH_PORT, --ssh-port SSH_PORT
                        [optional] Port on ssh host to connect to. (Default is
  -r REGISTRY_PORT, --registry-port REGISTRY_PORT
                        [optional] Remote registry port on ssh host to forward
                        to. (Default is 5000)
  --prime-image PRIME_IMAGE
                        [optional] [list] Base images with which to prime the
                        registry from the remote host. Docker pull is
                        performed on the remote host.


First create a test image we can use:

$ mkdir /tmp/testimage && cd /tmp/testimage
$ echo "FROM alpine" >> ./Dockerfile
$ echo "RUN touch /etc/testimage" >> ./Dockerfile
$ docker build -t testimage .

Now push that test image to our remote server:

$ docker-push-ssh -i ~/my_identity_file testimage

Now the testimage will be present on your server.


  1. SSH password authentication is not supported. Only key files.