e.g. java -jar gedcomparser-1.0.jar input/input_1.txt output_1.txt
Maven Usage (How to change source code)
to compile
mvn compile
to test
mvn test
to make a jar file
mvn package
Design and Development/Test
Spock/Groovy is used to writing tests, this make them more readable and intuitive
StAX, a streaming API for XML, is used for writing target XML document. Streaming is very fast but often exhibits some limitations like forward-only.
If source file contains lines with invalid format, they will be reported and parsing will stop there.
By default, 'mvn package' produces a jar file in the target folder
This project has been tested in Maven 3.1.1, JDK 1.7, under Linux
To improve performance, we could introduce parallelism into this program by
Having separate threads to parse different sections of the raw data file
Having separate threads to work on different stages of parsing: Line parsing, converting parsed lines into XML elements, writing to XML target file, etc.