algolia / search-bundle

Seamless integration of Algolia Search into your Symfony project.
MIT License
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Algolia for Symfony

The perfect starting point to integrate Algolia within your Symfony project

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✨ Features

Algolia SearchBundle supports PHP > 7.1

💡 Getting Started

First, install Algolia Search Bundle Integration via the composer package manager:

composer require algolia/search-bundle

You will also need to provide the Algolia App ID and Admin API key. By default, they are loaded from environment variables ALGOLIA_APP_ID and ALGOLIA_API_KEY.

If you use .env config file, you can set them there.


If you don't use environment variables, you can set them in your parameters.yml.

    env(ALGOLIA_API_KEY): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Indexing data

First, we need to define which entities should be indexed in Algolia. Each entry under the indices config key must contain at least the 2 following attributes:


    - name: posts
      class: App\Entity\Post


Once your indices config is ready, you can use the built-in console command to batch import all existing data.

# Import all indices
php bin/console search:import

# Choose what indices to reindex by passing the index name
php bin/console search:import --indices=posts,comments

Before re-indexing everything, you may want to clear the index first, see how to remove data.

Simple Search

In this example we'll search for posts. The search method will query Algolia to get matching results and then will create a doctrine collection. The data are pulled from the database (that's why you need to pass the Doctrine Manager).

$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManagerForClass(Post::class);

$posts = $this->searchService->search($em, Post::class, 'query');

For full documentation, visit the Algolia Symfony Search Bundle.


Encountering an issue? Before reaching out to support, we recommend heading to our FAQ where you will find answers for the most common issues and gotchas with the bundle.

Use the Dockerfile

If you want to contribute to this project without installing all its dependencies, you can use our Docker image. Please check our dedicated guide to learn more.

📄 License

Algolia Symfony Search Bundle is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.