algorandfoundation / algokit-subscriber-ts

Simple, but flexible / configurable Algorand transaction subscription / indexing mechanism
MIT License
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Algorand transaction subscription / indexing

This library a simple, but flexible / configurable Algorand transaction subscription / indexing mechanism. It allows you to quickly create Node.js or JavaScript services that follow or subscribe to the Algorand Blockchain.

npm install @algorandfoundation/algokit-subscriber


Quick start

// Create subscriber
const subscriber = new AlgorandSubscriber(
    filters: [
        name: 'filter1',
        filter: {
          sender: 'ABC...',
    /* ... other options (use intellisense to explore) */

// Set up subscription(s)
subscriber.on('filter1', async (transaction) => {
  // ...

// Set up error handling
subscriber.onError((e) => {
  // ...

// Either: Start the subscriber (if in long-running process)

// OR: Poll the subscriber (if in cron job / periodic lambda)

Key features

Balance change notes

The balance change semantics work mostly as expected, however the sematics around asset creation and destruction warrants further clarification.

When an asset is created, the full asset supply is attributed to the asset creators account.

The balance change for an asset create transaction will be as below:

  "assetId": 2391, // The created asset id
  "amount": 100000, // Full asset supply of the created asset
  "roles": ["AssetCreator"]

When an asset is destroyed, the full asset supply must be in the asset creators account and the asset manager must send the destroy transaction. Unfortunately we cannot determine the asset creator or full asset supply from the transaction data. As a result the balance change will always be attributed to the asset manager and will have a 0 amount. If you need to account for the asset supply being destroyed from the creators account, you'll need to handle this separately.

The balance change for an asset destroy transaction will be as below:

  "address": "PIDHG4SYANCP2GUQXXSFSNBPJWS4TAQSI3GH4GYO54FSYPDIBYPMSF7HBY", // The asset destroyer, which will always be the asset manager
  "assetId": 2391, // The destroyed asset id
  "amount": 0, // This value will always be 0
  "roles": ["AssetDestroyer"]


Data History Museum index

The following code, when algod is pointed to TestNet, will find all transactions emitted by the Data History Museum since the beginning of time in seconds and then find them in real-time as they emerge on the chain.

The watermark is stored in-memory so this particular example is not resilient to restarts. To change that you can implement proper persistence of the watermark. There is an example that uses the file system to demonstrate this.

const algorand = AlgorandClient.fromEnvironment()
let watermark = 0
const subscriber = new AlgorandSubscriber(
    events: [
        eventName: 'dhm-asset',
        filter: {
          type: TransactionType.acfg,
          // Data History Museum creator account on TestNet
    frequencyInSeconds: 5,
    maxRoundsToSync: 100,
    syncBehaviour: 'catchup-with-indexer',
    watermarkPersistence: {
      get: async () => watermark,
      set: async (newWatermark) => {
        watermark = newWatermark
subscriber.onBatch('dhm-asset', async (events) => {
  console.log(`Received ${events.length} asset changes`)
  // ... do stuff with the events

subscriber.onError((e) => {
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-console


USDC real-time monitoring

The following code, when algod is pointed to MainNet, will find all transfers of USDC that are greater than $1 and it will poll every 1s for new transfers.

const algorand = AlgorandClient.fromEnvironment()
let watermark = 0

const subscriber = new AlgorandSubscriber(
    events: [
        eventName: 'usdc',
        filter: {
          type: TransactionType.axfer,
          assetId: 31566704, // MainNet: USDC
          minAmount: 1_000_000, // $1
    waitForBlockWhenAtTip: true,
    syncBehaviour: 'skip-sync-newest',
    watermarkPersistence: {
      get: async () => watermark,
      set: async (newWatermark) => {
        watermark = newWatermark
subscriber.on('usdc', (transfer) => {
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
    `${transfer.sender} sent ${transfer['asset-transfer-transaction']?.receiver} USDC$${(
      (transfer['asset-transfer-transaction']?.amount ?? 0) / 1_000_000
    ).toFixed(2)} in transaction ${}`,

subscriber.onError((e) => {
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-console


Getting started

To try examples in this repository: