aliasghar53 / autonomous-robot

Visual SLAM based Autonomous Robot
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Project Files for Autonomous Robot

This repository is for the purpose of sharing files for my autonomous robot using Visual SLAM project. To learn more about the project and view demos, please visit the Project Page: Autonomous Robot using Visual SLAM


What is in this repository?

  1. base_controller.ino is an arduino sketch which was uploaded to the Arduino Mega. It is essentially a ROS Serial Node (must install ROS Serial library). The node listens to the cmd_vel topic and issues PWM signals to the motor controllers used by the differential drive robot.
  2. tf_broadcaster.cpp is a ROS node that published the transform from the camera's origin to the robot's origin, essential for odometry and working with ROS's navigation stack
  3. synced_rgbd.launch is used to launch the following nodes/launch files on the robot's Raspberry Pi 4:
    • rs_rgbd.launch to start published sensor data from the Inter RealSense D435 RGBD sensor
    • rgbd_sync node along with a nodelet manager to synchronize and compress the RGB and Depth data before publishing over the network
    • rosserial node
    • tf_broadcaster node to braodcast the transfrom from camera_link to base_link to odom for navigation
  4. The /ros_robot folder contains the necessary files that are required for running Visual SLAM and Autonomous Navigation on the remote computer. Simply launch the SLAM_with_teleop.launch to start mapping an environment or autonomous_navigation.launch to issue goals to the robot (will need to launch RVIZ seperately) from the remote computer after launching the synced_rgbd.launch file on the robot.