Open vmayoral opened 5 years ago
We should fetch the information into the nodes and with the key lifecycle. See the following example of what should be included
root@ac24ecabf79f:/tmp# ros2 lifecycle nodes /map_server /dwb_controller /global_costmap/global_costmap /bt_navigator /world_model /amcl /local_costmap/local_costmap /navfn_planner root@ac24ecabf79f:/tmp# ros2 lifecycle get /map_server inactive [2] root@ac24ecabf79f:/tmp# ros2 lifecycle list /map_server - cleanup [2] Start: inactive Goal: cleaningup - activate [3] Start: inactive Goal: activating - shutdown [6] Start: inactive Goal: shuttingdown
Same could be done with:
We should fetch the information into the nodes and with the
lifecycle. See the following example of what should be included