flutter_boost has been fully adapted for the ohos platform. Please refer to item 10 of the following document to understand the related conventions before integrating: FAQ
PS:Null-safety is already supported.
A next-generation Flutter-Native hybrid solution. FlutterBoost is a Flutter plugin which enables hybrid integration of Flutter for your existing native apps with minimum efforts. The philosophy of FlutterBoost is to use Flutter as easy as using a WebView. Managing Native pages and Flutter pages at the same time is non-trivial in an existing App. FlutterBoost takes care of page resolution for you. The only thing you need to care about is the name of the page(usually could be an URL).
Open you pubspec.yaml and add the following line to dependencies:
url: 'https://github.com/alibaba/flutter_boost.git'
ref: '4.6.5'
or earlier versions.3.1.0+
.[4.5.0, 5.0.0)
.please read this document: FAQ
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
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