alichtman / malware-techniques

A collection of techniques commonly used in malware to accomplish core tasks.
MIT License
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linux macos malware malware-analysis malware-development malware-research reverse-engineering

This collection of programs demonstrates techniques used in malware to accomplish core tasks.

It's like Al-Khaser, except focused on macOS and Linux.



These programs are written in a mix of languages. Currently, the library uses (in order of strlen(language_name)):

Building and Running

Each program is meant to be run independently. There is no main.{c,py,m,asm}.

Typically, each program (written in C) can be compiled with $ gcc FILE -o OUTPUT_FILE.

Exceptions to this are:


You can read about the motivation behind this project in this presentation I gave.


Thank you to all the security researchers that made this project possible. Material published by the following researchers was particularly helpful while I was building this library: