alienator88 / Pearcleaner

A free, source-available and fair-code licensed mac app cleaner
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[FR] automatic search bar cursor insertion in list view #10

Closed greg1075 closed 6 months ago

greg1075 commented 6 months ago

Upon hovering over or at least when clicking on the magnifier icon in list view, it would be nice to have the cursor automatically inserted in the search bar so that the user can start typing right away. Currently, you have to place the cursor left and away from the magnifier, then click to be able to start typing.

Also, the app list is refreshed when clicking in the search and the cursor is inserted. Could this be avoided, and the app list only refreshed when entering list view (after clicking the list view button or drop area) or after an app is deleted?

alienator88 commented 6 months ago

Hey, I edited the search bar to auto-focus the cursor when you hover over it. Also enlarged the hidden space in front of the Search Icon so you can hover on the search icon or in the area to the left of it to show the full search bar. This should make it easier so you don't necessarily have to aim for the search icon every time. These updates should be out in v2.0 when I get that out. I want to get a few more fixes and features added before I release that one.

As for the app list refresh, it already refreshes the app list when the app launches and also when an app is deleted, so no need for any changes on that front. The reason for the refresh button in the search bar is if you're in the app list view and you install an app for example during this time. The app list won't know to refresh automatically, so just a manual catch there in case a user wants to manually refresh the apps again. I will probably leave that as is.

greg1075 commented 6 months ago

Oh, yeah that makes sense.

Thanks for adding the cursor placement feature and space tweak!

On Dec 15, 2023 at 10:28:59 AM, Alin Lupascu @.***> wrote:

Hey, I edited the search bar to auto-focus the cursor when you hover over it. Also enlarged the hidden space in front of the Search Icon so you can hover on the search icon or anywhere to the left of it to show the full search bar. This should make it easier so you don't necessarily have to aim for the search icon every time. These updates should be out in v2.0 when I get that out. I want to get a few more fixes and features added before I release that one.

As for the app list refresh, it already refreshes the app list when the app launches and also when an app is deleted, so no need for any changes on that front. The reason for the refresh button in the search bar is if you're in the app list view and you install an app for example during this time. The app list won't know to refresh automatically, so just a manual catch there in case a user wants to manually refresh the apps again. I will probably leave that as is.

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alienator88 commented 6 months ago

Something I was thinking, the app already has the option to do CMD+R to refresh the app list via keyboard.

Maybe I add a setting to allow hide/show of the refresh button for users who like to use the keyboard more. As an additional option?

greg1075 commented 6 months ago

I’m not sure I’m following. I don’t see a refresh button currently. The only ways I see are either by clicking the search bar, going to the Pearcleaner menu > Refresh Apps, or the CMD+R shortcut.

On another note, I would consider adding a way to toggle mini mode from the GUI.

Also, there seems to be an inconsistency with the window size when toggling mini mode off and back on. If I set the mini mode window to a certain size, toggle mini mode off and then back on, the window doesn’t go back to the size I set but what looks like the smallest size possible.

Lastly, it looks like the default mini mode view when toggling it on from regular mode is list view. I would consider changing that to the drop view as it is the default view when launching Pearcleaner if set to mini mode.

Happy to enter all this in Github if you’d like.



On Dec 15, 2023 at 12:31:19 PM, Alin Lupascu @.***> wrote:

Something I was thinking, the app already has the option to do CMD+R to refresh the app list via keyboard.

Maybe I add a setting to allow hide/show of the refresh button for users who like to use the keyboard more. As an additional option?

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alienator88 commented 6 months ago

That's what I was referring to, the refresh button inside the search bar.

As for the mini mode toggle, I'm trying to weigh the options on how often a user would need to do this. If it's not often, it seems like it should stay in the Settings and not clutter the UI. I guess I'm not understanding the workflow for swapping back and forth between mini and regular mode so much that this would come up as an issue. Maybe a keyboard shortcut of CMD+M or something similar to toggle between each one.

I'll play around with the window sizing to see if that can be fixed, but it might be a limitation of SwiftUI and/or macOS. The issue is that macOS caches the window size of an app in ~/Library/Preferences/*.plist. But it can only record one size for the main window. This app has technically 2 view sizes inside the same app window depending on the mode, so it can't record both. Might not be able to fix this one.

As for the app list view when switching to mini, I can fix that pretty easily.

greg1075 commented 6 months ago

Actually I think you’re right about the mini mode toggle. Better to leave out of the UI if use seldom used. Personally I leave it in mini mode.

Regarding he refresh button. So would “hiding” it (even though it’s technically embedded within the search bar) deactivate the automatic refreshing of the apps when clicking on the search bar, allowing keyboard-centric users to just rely on CMD+R? I want to make sure I understand what the behavior would be...

On Dec 15, 2023 at 1:58:15 PM, Alin Lupascu @.***> wrote:

That's what I was referring to, the refresh button inside the search bar.

As for the mini mode toggle, I'm trying to weigh the options on how often a user would need to do this. If it's not often, it seems like it should stay in the Settings and not clutter the UI. I guess I'm not understanding the workflow for swapping back and forth between mini and regular mode so much that this would come up as an issue. Maybe a keyboard shortcut of CMD+M or something similar to toggle between each one.

I'll play around with the window sizing to see if that can be fixed, but it might be a limitation of SwiftUI and/or macOS. The issue is that macOS caches the window size of an app in ~/Library/Preferences/*.plist. But it can only record one size for the main window. This app has technically 2 view sizes inside the same app window depending on the mode, so it can't record both. Might not be able to fix this one.

As for the app list view when switching to mini, I can fix that pretty easily.

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alienator88 commented 6 months ago

Yeah, so hiding the toggle if a user prefers it that way would just hide the little refresh icon inside the search bar. The app list would still refresh on app load, deletion of an app or via the keyboard command. I don't know if this is even required or not, just spitballing 😂

greg1075 commented 6 months ago

Oh, I see. I didn’t even realize the double circular arrow thing was the refresh button (facepalm)

It’s a good idea. But I’d say it’s more of a cherry on top kinda thing.

On Dec 15, 2023 at 2:45:23 PM, Alin Lupascu @.***> wrote:

Yeah, so hiding the toggle if a user prefers it that way would just hide the little refresh icon inside the search bar. The app list would still refresh on app load, deletion of an app or via the keyboard command. I don't know if this is even required or not, just spitballing 😂

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alienator88 commented 6 months ago

Yeah I'll leave that alone for now, doesn't seem necessary. So I have the original request fixed and also toggling to mini mode shows the drop zone initially instead of the app list view now. I'll get these changes out in the next version. Thanks for the input as always Greg!

greg1075 commented 6 months ago


Regarding the window size, I also noted that same behavior either after a system reboot, or after the app is launched after a while. It opens normally (i.e. window same size as set by user) if the app is launched relatively shortly after it was closed, by after a while (not sure how long, though), the window size is reset to 900x450 (per Pixelsnap).


On Dec 15, 2023 at 3:50:18 PM, Alin Lupascu @.***> wrote:

Yeah I'll leave that alone for now, doesn't seem necessary. So I have the original request fixed and also toggling to mini mode shows the drop zone initially instead of the app list view now. I'll get these changes out in the next version. Thanks for the input as always Greg!

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alienator88 commented 6 months ago

Hey Greg,

I think I found the issue with the window sizing. I had the function applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed set to true. That means when the X button on the window was being used, it would terminate the application instead of soft quitting like CMD+Q does. Because of this termination, it didn't record the dimensions of the window to the preferences plist file correctly. I tested a few times with this function set to false and it has been opening the same window size after multiple reboots. The only difference going forward is that when clicking the X button on the window, Pearcleaner won't fully quit, but just close the window. So to fully quit in the future CMD+Q would need to be used like other apps. I'll have this out in the next version.

greg1075 commented 6 months ago

Awesome! Thanks for looking into it and fixing it. I never use the x button myself, but regardless I think the new behavior is more in line with what most users expect i.e. x just closes the window, and CMD+ to quit the app.



On Dec 19, 2023 at 12:34:33 PM, Alin Lupascu @.***> wrote:

Hey Greg,

I think I found the issue with the window sizing. I had the function applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed set to true. That means when the X button on the window was being used, it would terminate the application instead of soft quitting like CMD+Q does. Because of this termination, it didn't record the dimensions of the window to the preferences plist file correctly. I tested a few times with this function set to false and it has been opening the same window size after multiple reboots. The only difference going forward is that when clicking the X button on the window, Pearcleaner won't fully quit, but just close the window. So to fully quit in the future CMD+Q would need to be used like other apps. I'll have this out in the next version.

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alienator88 commented 6 months ago

No problem. Once 2.1 is out, let me know if you still see the window sizing issue and I'll dig back into it.

greg1075 commented 6 months ago

Will do.

On Dec 19, 2023 at 2:00:53 PM, Alin Lupascu @.***> wrote:

No problem. Once 2.1 is out, let me know if you still see the window sizing issue and I'll dig back into it.

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greg1075 commented 6 months ago

Latest version seems to have fixed the window size issue.

On Dec 19, 2023 at 2:11:48 PM, Gregory Lassale @.***> wrote:

Will do.

On Dec 19, 2023 at 2:00:53 PM, Alin Lupascu @.***> wrote:

No problem. Once 2.1 is out, let me know if you still see the window sizing issue and I'll dig back into it.

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alienator88 commented 6 months ago

Awesome! Thanks for confirming :)

greg1075 commented 6 months ago

Welcome. By the way, still considering changing the dashed drop area for a gradient fill?

On Dec 21, 2023 at 10:15:24 AM, Alin Lupascu @.***> wrote:

Awesome! Thanks for confirming :)

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alienator88 commented 6 months ago

Most likely not at this time. I messed around with swapping that to a gradient a little while back and it just looked really off for some reason. Didn't really flow with the rest of the UI.

greg1075 commented 6 months ago

Gotcha. Thanks for giving it a whirl!

On Dec 21, 2023 at 4:03:28 PM, Alin Lupascu @.***> wrote:

Most likely not at this time. I messed around with swapping that to a gradient a little while back and it just looked really off for some reason. Didn't really flow with the rest of the UI.

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greg1075 commented 6 months ago

I spoke too fast about the window size. It appears that after a reboot, it opens again at that larger size. I’m not sure if the same thing still happens after opening Pearcleaner a long time after quitting. I think it did before. It does open at the size it was set when launching the relatively shortly after it was quit.

On Dec 21, 2023 at 4:21:48 PM, Gregory Lassale @.***> wrote:

Gotcha. Thanks for giving it a whirl!

On Dec 21, 2023 at 4:03:28 PM, Alin Lupascu @.***> wrote:

Most likely not at this time. I messed around with swapping that to a gradient a little while back and it just looked really off for some reason. Didn't really flow with the rest of the UI.

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alienator88 commented 6 months ago

I'll keep an eye on it on my end too. I haven't had it happen yet on mine with the newer update. I think the issue might be a race condition when the app loads. It checks a setting in the preferences of the user to see if they have mini mode selected and based on that, it loads the mini or regular view. If this setting takes longer to read or isn't cached, I think it quickly tries to load the regular window dimensions and then puts the mini view inside it. Kinda lame, I'll try messing around with the window management when I have more time.

alienator88 commented 6 months ago

Out of curiosity, do you use multiple monitors in your setup? I have 2 monitors with laptop in clamshell mode and can repro this issue. Wondering if users with no external monitors experience it as well.

greg1075 commented 6 months ago

No, just a laptop. I know next to nothing about coding, but out of curiosity ran the issue in ChatGPT. I have zero idea whether this is helpful or not, but here is the answer I got:

There could be a few reasons why your app's window size changes when it is relaunched after being resized by the user. Here are some possible causes and solutions:

1. Window state preservation: SwiftUI automatically preserves the state of your app's windows, including their size and position. When the app is relaunched, it restores the previously saved state. To prevent this behavior, you can disable window state preservation by setting the preservesWindowSceneState property to false in your app's SceneDelegate or AppDelegate file.

*2. Window size preferences: SwiftUI provides a @.` property wrapper that allows you to save and restore values specific to a scene, such as the window size. If you are using this property wrapper to store the window size, it will be restored when the app relaunches. To prevent this, you can remove or modify the code that uses @.` to store the window size.*

3. Window configuration: If you are explicitly configuring the window size in your code, it may override the user's resized window when the app relaunches. Check your code for any window configuration settings and ensure that they are not overriding the user's preferred window size.

By addressing these potential causes, you should be able to prevent your app's window size from changing when it is relaunched after being resized by the user.

On Dec 21, 2023 at 5:51:55 PM, Alin Lupascu @.***> wrote:

Out of curiosity, do you use multiple monitors in your setup? I have 2 monitors with laptop in clamshell mode and can repro this issue. Wondering if users with no external monitors experience it as well.

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alienator88 commented 6 months ago

Yeah, I've played with all that stuff already for the most part. From the research I've been doing on this, it sounds like a SwiftUI bug. Since this app is 100% SwiftUI, it's not as good with certain OS interoperability like the older AppKit apps are.

I've found a bunch of posts on reddit from others experiencing similar issues with other swift apps as well.

I think I'll just need to write my own window management class so it can save the window dimensions on app exit and then restore them myself on app launch. This way I can bypass the OS preferences plist file that seems borked with Swift.

alienator88 commented 6 months ago

@greg1075 can I give you a pre-release version of 2.2 so you can test out the window sizing issue? I wrote my own window management logic to save the window size and coordinates manually and load them on app startup. This should get around the OS issue where it doesn't remember after reboot or after a while.

One thing to keep in mind, it saves this data to the user preferences file. So when you change the window size, it could take around 5 seconds to save this information, it's just how macOS works with preference files. So if you change the window size and close it right away, the OS might've not had enough time to save the new size to the preferences file. I would size the window and set position where you want it, give it a few seconds and then close it and test it out again. You can always look at the file ~/Library/Preferences/com.alienator88.Pearcleaner.plist to see the updated values inside. The relevant keys I use for this window management flow are:


greg1075 commented 6 months ago


I installed 2.2 and set a window size. I will wait a while and see if it’s saved on the next start up. I’ll let you know.


On Dec 26, 2023 at 11:28:21 AM, Alin Lupascu @.***> wrote:

@greg1075 can I give you a pre-release version of 2.2 so you can test out the window sizing issue? I wrote my own window management logic to save the window size and coordinates manually and load them on app startup. This should get around the OS issue where it doesn't remember after reboot or after a while.

One thing to keep in mind, it saves this data to the user preferences file. So when you change the window size, it could take around 5 seconds to save this information, it's just how macOS works with preference files. So if you change the window size and close it right away, the OS might've not had enough time to save the new size to the preferences file. I would size the window and set position where you want it, give it a few seconds and then close it and test it out again. You can always look at the file ~/Library/Preferences/com.alienator88.Pearcleaner.plist to see the updated values inside. The relevant keys I use for this window management flow are:

windowHeightKey 328 windowWidthKey 300 windowXKey 3062 windowYKey 633

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alienator88 commented 6 months ago

Awesome, thanks! I tried logging out and rebooting a few times and it kept it saved on my end, so hopefully this is the end of that problem 😂

greg1075 commented 6 months ago

Sees to be working fine! Shut down my laptop for over an hour, and the window size was as recorded. That said, the version number says 2.1 in the version you sent me.


On Dec 26, 2023 at 11:49:34 AM, Alin Lupascu @.***> wrote:

Awesome, thanks! I tried logging out and rebooting a few times and it kept it saved on my end, so hopefully this is the end of that problem 😂

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alienator88 commented 6 months ago

That's good to hear! I'm confused on the version number, is it possible you might have another version laying around and launched the older one? I just downloaded the zip file from the comment above and it's showing v2.2, build 13 in the About tab in Settings.

greg1075 commented 6 months ago

No, I replaced the old version with the one you sent me in the Applications folder - but I just noticed a discrepancy between the version number listed in Get Info (2.2) vs within the app (2.1)

On Dec 26, 2023 at 1:58:43 PM, Alin Lupascu @.***> wrote:

That's good to hear! I'm confused on the version number, is it possible you might have another version laying around and launched the older one? I just downloaded the zip file from the comment above and it's showing v2.2, build 13 in the About tab in Settings.

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alienator88 commented 6 months ago

That's so odd, I'm not seeing that at all on my end 😂 image

greg1075 commented 6 months ago

If I go to Settings>About, I get the same thing as you i.e. 2.2 (build 13), but from the check for updates window it says 2.1.

On Dec 26, 2023 at 4:41:29 PM, Alin Lupascu @.***> wrote:

That's so odd, I'm not seeing that at all on my end 😂 image.png (view on web)

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alienator88 commented 6 months ago

Ah yeah, that makes sense. The update window shows the most recent release on GitHub which is still 2.1. Like I mentioned, this zip file was a pre-release so it’s not public yet.

On Tue, Dec 26, 2023 at 4:54 PM greg1075 @.***> wrote:

If I go to Settings>About, I get the same thing as you i.e. 2.2 (build 13), but from the check for updates window it says 2.1.

On Dec 26, 2023 at 4:41:29 PM, Alin Lupascu @.***> wrote:

That's so odd, I'm not seeing that at all on my end 😂 image.png (view on web) <>

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greg1075 commented 6 months ago

Ah, I see.

On Dec 26, 2023 at 5:56:52 PM, Alin Lupascu @.***> wrote:

Ah yeah, that makes sense. The update window shows the most recent release on GitHub which is still 2.1. Like I mentioned, this zip file was a pre-release so it’s not public yet.

On Tue, Dec 26, 2023 at 4:54 PM greg1075 @.***> wrote:

If I go to Settings>About, I get the same thing as you i.e. 2.2 (build 13), but from the check for updates window it says 2.1.

On Dec 26, 2023 at 4:41:29 PM, Alin Lupascu @.***> wrote:

That's so odd, I'm not seeing that at all on my end 😂 image.png (view on web) <>

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greg1075 commented 6 months ago

Just noticed that the window size resets to the default size after clicking the Force Update button.

I don’t think people are going to use that button much, but still wanted to let you know.

On Dec 26, 2023 at 6:23:02 PM, Gregory Lassale @.***> wrote:

Ah, I see.

On Dec 26, 2023 at 5:56:52 PM, Alin Lupascu @.***> wrote:

Ah yeah, that makes sense. The update window shows the most recent release on GitHub which is still 2.1. Like I mentioned, this zip file was a pre-release so it’s not public yet.

On Tue, Dec 26, 2023 at 4:54 PM greg1075 @.***> wrote:

If I go to Settings>About, I get the same thing as you i.e. 2.2 (build 13), but from the check for updates window it says 2.1.

On Dec 26, 2023 at 4:41:29 PM, Alin Lupascu @.***> wrote:

That's so odd, I'm not seeing that at all on my end 😂 image.png (view on web) <>

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alienator88 commented 6 months ago

Yeah, that's expected. Same reason as yesterday. Force update pulled the latest version from Github releases which is 2.1 and that version doesn't have the window management logic. It overwrote the 2.2 pre-release version I gave you yesterday.

greg1075 commented 6 months ago

Oh, duh. Sorry.

On Dec 27, 2023 at 10:17:25 AM, Alin Lupascu @.***> wrote:

Yeah, that's expected. Same reason as yesterday. Force update pulled the latest version from Github releases which is 2.1 and that version doesn't have the window management logic. It overwrote the 2.2 pre-release version I gave you yesterday.

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alienator88 commented 6 months ago

All good. Give me a few minutes and I'll have 2.2 out.