alienator88 / Pearcleaner

A free, source-available and fair-code licensed mac app cleaner
733 stars 18 forks source link


Status: Maintained
Version: 3.7.5
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Pearcleaner - An open-source mac app cleaner | Product Hunt

A free, source-available and fair-code licensed mac app cleaner inspired by Freemacsoft's AppCleaner and Sun Knudsen's Privacy Guides post on his app-cleaner script. This project was born out of wanting to learn more on how macOS deals with app installation/uninstallation and getting more Swift experience. If you have suggestions I'm open to hearing them, submit a feature request!

Table of Contents:

License | Features | Screenshots | Issues | Requirements | Download | Thanks | Other Apps


[!IMPORTANT] Pearcleaner is licensed under Apache 2.0 with Commons Clause. This means that you can do anything you'd like with the source, modify it, contribute to it, etc., but the license explicitly prohibits any form of monetization for Pearcleaner or any modified versions of it. See full license HERE



Mini Mode

Finder Extension
Leftover File Search
Condition Builder



  • When submitting issues, please use the appropriate issue template corresponding with your problem HERE
  • For issues with unrelated files being found or not enough files being found, try the new Condition Builder (Hammer icon next to uninstall button) before submitting an APP bug
  • Templates not filled out with the requested details will be closed. Unfortunately I don't have the time to act as help desk support asking for all the missing information. Help me help you 🙂



  • MacOS 13.0+ (Most functions might work on a Beta OS, but I will not support bugs for these until they are out of Beta channel.)
  • Open Pearcleaner first time by right clicking and selecting Open. This adds an exception to Gatekeeper so it doesn't complain about the app not being signed with an Apple Developer certificate
  • Full Disk permission to search for files and also Accessibility permission to delete/restore files

Getting Pearcleaner

Releases Pre-compiled, always up-to-date versions are available from my [releases]( page. You will need to open Pearcleaner the first time with `right click -> Open` since it's not signed.
Homebrew Without a paid developer account, I can't submit to the main Homebrew cask repo. You can still add the app via Homebrew by tapping my homebrew repo directly: ``` brew install alienator88/homebrew-cask/pearcleaner ```


Much appreciation to Freemacsoft's AppCleaner and Sun Knudsen's app-cleaner script

Other Apps

Pearcleaner - An opensource app cleaner with privacy in mind

Sentinel - A GUI for controlling gatekeeper status on your mac

Viz - Utility for extracting text from images, videos, qr/barcodes