alienator88 / Pearcleaner

A free, source-available and fair-code licensed mac app cleaner
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[FR] Option to change color palette of the app #17

Closed ishaanrathodd closed 4 months ago

ishaanrathodd commented 4 months ago

The current color palette of orangish red is imo okayish and not something minimalist. Please do consider the plain theme of appcleaner. Looks great.

alienator88 commented 4 months ago

My issue with this is I'm not trying to completely clone AppCleaner and it's look. I would like to keep some individuality with this app. There's not a lot of apps out there that provide settings to change the branding colors, maybe theme colors, but not branding. And the orange/pink palette for the Pearcleaner logo I'd like to keep as I like it personally.

Thank you for the input though, much appreciated!