alienator88 / Pearcleaner

A free, source-available and fair-code licensed mac app cleaner
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Show how much space will be freed #40

Closed strash closed 2 months ago

strash commented 2 months ago

Frame 2241

Current implementation shows only how much garbage has been found but it is unclear how much will be deleted.

How can we improve this:

  1. show somewhere a number of selected items and how much space they take up
  2. recalculate every time a checkbox was toggled
  3. show a proper button for main action
  4. also why is the number of items underlined? :)
alienator88 commented 2 months ago

You'll laugh at this, but when I was working on some things for this app recently, I was confused why the size was not updating as I was selecting items from the list. I completely spaced that I only coded the ability to get the total only 😂 so I definitely have this in my to-do list. Also, I'm really digging the trash button with size next to it. I might do something similar if that's okay with you.

strash commented 2 months ago

Sure, it would be great!

strash commented 2 months ago

I might come up with more suggestions if you don’t mind.

alienator88 commented 2 months ago

Yeah go for it!

alienator88 commented 2 months ago

Just a quick update, haven't released this version yet in case you had something else to add. I'll hold off for now. Added the item count in the existing location at the top to make use of that same space since it's already there. Then added the red button which I have to agree looks much better than before :)

Screenshot 2024-04-06 at 6 01 58 PM

Also added a sort setting to save the sorting mode as alphabetical or by size when relaunching the app. A few bug fixes too, I'll list that in the release notes when it's ready though. Looking forward to hearing what other suggestions you have!

strash commented 2 months ago

Yeah looks good!

alienator88 commented 2 months ago

Closing this, features added in v3.4.0. Feel free to open new FR issues if you have other ideas.