alienator88 / Pearcleaner

A free, source-available and fair-code licensed mac app cleaner
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[BUG] Wrong name for app. #47

Closed theramzay closed 2 months ago

theramzay commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug

Pearcleaner have wrong name for app.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Download from Notes Trainer App Store
  2. Find app name in Apple Finder in Application folder
  3. Look to name in Pearcleaner

Bonus: Pearcleaner don’t see Containers too. Looks, like this is the bug for iOS apps only.

Expected behavior

Same name for app in Finder and in Pearcleaner.

Desktop (please complete the following information):


alienator88 commented 2 months ago

Looks like it's happening because the wrapped iOS app name shows as that inside the bundle and that's where I pulled the name from in iOS apps. image

I'll work on it and add a fix for that soon. Thanks.

alienator88 commented 2 months ago

Fixed in v3.5.2 Thanks!

alienator88 commented 2 months ago

Just a quick FYI, I'll be pushing another update soon, maybe tomorrow or something where it will show the localized name of the file in the list to say Notes Trainer instead of the UUID of the folder, which is the actual name of the folder. This is why Finder shows Notes Trainer and not the UUID, it uses the localized name. image

But the functionality of actually finding the files, should be good now on the current release.

theramzay commented 2 months ago

Just a quick FYI, I'll be pushing another update soon, maybe tomorrow or something where it will show the localized name of the file in the list to say Notes Trainer instead of the UUID of the folder, which is the actual name of the folder. This is why Finder shows Notes Trainer and not the UUID, it uses the localized name. image

But the functionality of actually finding the files, should be good now on the current release.

Great! Because I’m actually was thinking to make a Feature Request about this )))