alienator88 / Pearcleaner

A free, source-available and fair-code licensed mac app cleaner
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Poor contrast in the "Update Available" window #57

Closed Anitoxx closed 1 month ago

Anitoxx commented 1 month ago

I noticed that the contrast between the green (#71C254) and the background color (#B4B4B2) is very poor.

Here is a screenshot of the "Update Available" window and a contrast checker test (from, here is the link of the test :


This unfortunately makes the text hard to read.

alienator88 commented 1 month ago

Hey, thanks for catching that! I almost never use light mode so these slip through sometimes 😂 I made the edits to not use the accentColor for that text and the buttons as well for all popup windows. Will have the fix out in next release.