alienator88 / Pearcleaner

A free, source-available and fair-code licensed mac app cleaner
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Refresh Button for Menu Bar Icon + UI misalignment #59

Closed Hidlsh closed 1 month ago

Hidlsh commented 1 month ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I know that there is a refresh feature, but I'd like the button to be visible at all times instead of having to hover over the top to see it (and maybe replace the text with a refresh icon instead? ).

Describe the solution you'd like A always visible refresh button/text somewhere in the menu bar version of the app

CleanShot 2024-05-23 at 10 04 09@2x

A clear and concise description of what you want to happen. Refreshes the app list. Maybe a setting for automatic refreshing or checking? (idk how much strain it'll have on the device, just a suggestion though.)

Also UI misalignment: CleanShot 2024-05-23 at 10 07 04@2x

Vertically or horizontally stretching the app doesn't change the spacing, the issue still persists.

alienator88 commented 1 month ago

Hi. The app used to have a refresh icon a while back but I moved away from it because it made the UI look too busy on the right side for a function that really shouldn't be needed very often. You can also CMD+R to refresh via keyboard.

As for the misalignment, can you let me know how to reproduce that? I don't see the same thing in mini mode: image

Maybe post a screenshot of your Interface tab in the Settings window to see if I can match mine up the same. Otherwise, it might just be an environmental issue on your end.

Hidlsh commented 1 month ago

Hi. The app used to have a refresh icon a while back but I moved away from it because it made the UI look too busy on the right side for a function that really shouldn't be needed very often. You can also CMD+R to refresh via keyboard.

Okay, I honestly think it doesn't make the app look too busy; maybe have option in settings (appearance tab maybe) for either preference?

As for the misalignment, can you let me know how to reproduce that? I don't see the same thing in mini mode. Maybe post a screenshot of your Interface tab in the Settings window to see if I can match mine up the same. Otherwise, it might just be an environmental issue on your end.

I am not using mini mode. My issue only persists in the regular look of the app when "Menubar Icon Enabled" is toggled 'ON': CleanShot 2024-05-25 at 05 41 27@2x

I tried reinstalling the latest version to see if my app was bugged, but that wasn't the case. The app's settings also persist upon reinstall but that didn't affect anything - the issue only happens with menubar mode on, when you open the full sized version of the app from your taskbar/launchpad/applications folder/finder (yk what I mean)

alienator88 commented 1 month ago

I'm pretty sure I know why the misalignment is happening, so I'll look into that and will also play around with the refresh button when I get a chance.

alienator88 commented 1 month ago

Fixed both of these in 3.6.4 Thanks!