alienator88 / Pearcleaner

A free, source-available and fair-code licensed mac app cleaner
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[BUG] Automatic switching between dark and light modes does not work. #65

Closed threay closed 2 weeks ago

threay commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug:
I set the color mode to auto, but it doesn't seem to switch according to my system's color mode. I'm not sure if I have configured something incorrectly.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Every time I reopen the software in the evening or morning, as described earlier, the color mode doesn't seem to follow the system. Instead, it displays the color mode from the last time it was opened.
  2. However, if I switch the software to dark mode (or light mode),and then back to auto, the application's color mode will match my system.
  3. Do I need to keep the software running in the background for the color mode to follow the system? I usually exit the software completely and do not let it run in the background.

Expected behavior
I hope the software's color mode can correctly match my system. Perhaps it should check the system color mode when I open the software as well? Anyway, thank you for making this application, I really like it!


alienator88 commented 2 weeks ago

Hey, thanks for sending this in. I just played around with the color settings and I was able to reproduce the issue. It was a tiny bug, I was only running the color mode check on app launch if the themeColor was empty. I changed it so it runs on every launch and it works good now.

The fix will be out in the next version, later today I think.

alienator88 commented 2 weeks ago

v3.7.2 with fix is released.