alienator88 / Pearcleaner

A free, source-available and fair-code licensed mac app cleaner
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[APP] Ollama: logs and models stay untouched #66

Closed hermannsorgel closed 2 weeks ago

hermannsorgel commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the app

Ollama, a locall LLMs runner, keeps logs and models in the ~/.ollama. Pearcleaner does not suggest removing this folder when uninstalling Ollama.

App Details

  1. Name: Ollama
  2. Version: 0.1.41
  3. Source: website
  4. Type: Regular
  5. PATH/S to the files/folders not being deleted ~/.ollama

Desktop :


'Pearcleaner screenshot'
du -hd 1 .ollama
4.3G    .ollama/models
 88K    .ollama/logs
4.3G    .ollama

Additional context

Thank you for a nice app.

alienator88 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, I looked at the code and it looks like the home directory is not part of the search Locations the app goes through. I've gone ahead and added that in for the next release, which should find the folder you mentioned once you update to that version. Thanks!

alienator88 commented 2 weeks ago

Released in v3.7.3