filemagic is a ctypes wrapper for libmagic <>
_, the library that supports the file
command on most Unix systems. The package provides a simple Python API for
identifying files using the extensive database of magic strings that ships with
Read the Docs <>
_.Python Package Index <>
_.filemagic has been tested against libmagic 5.11. It supports both Python2 and Python3, as well as CPython and PyPy.
|build_status| |coverage| |pypi_version|
Below is a short snippet of code showing how to use filemagic to identifying this README file. ::
>>> import magic
>>> with magic.Magic() as m:
... m.id_filename('')
'ASCII text'
It is recommended that magic.Magic be used with a context manager (the with statement) to avoid leaking resources from libmagic when instances go out of scope. Otherwise the close() method must be called explicitly.
Refer to the filemagic documenation <>
_ for
further references.
.. |build_status| image:: :target:!/aliles/filemagic :alt: Current build status
.. |coverage| image:: :target: :alt: Coverage status
.. |pypi_version| image:: :target: :alt: Latest PyPI version