aliostad / CacheCow

An implementation of HTTP Caching in .NET Core and 4.5.2+ for both the client and the server
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An implementation of HTTP Caching in .NET Core and 4.52+ for HttpClient, ASP.NET Web API, ASP.NET MVC Core and Carter.

This document covers topics below:

NOTE: Breaking changes in Version 2.0.0

There are quite a few changes in the server-side implementation of CacheCow due to shortcomings of previous approach while the client-side mostly remained the same. Hence if you have used CacheCow.Server in the past and you would like to migrate, read the guide on migration further down. CacheCow.Client has some changes which may or may not break your code (depending whether you had used .NET 4.5 packages) which includes:

Concepts and definitions

It is useful to start with concepts but feel free to use it as a reference. If you get bored reading this 😀, jump straight to Getting Started sections or simply browse and run a couple of samples.

Getting started - Client

Client scenario is perhaps the most common use case of CacheCow. Most of the concepts discussed above relate to the server-side. Client-side CacheCow has been implemented as a DelegatingHandler and has very few concept counts - most of the complexity of HTTP Caching has been hidden away from you. For the purpose of this guide, we choose an In-Memory storage which is the default.

1) Install the nuget package

> install-package CacheCow.Client

2) Use ClientExtensions to create an HttpClient (piped to a CachingHandler fronted by HttpClientHandler):

var client = ClientExtensions.CreateClient();

This is simply a helper and you saves you writing a couple of lines of code.

3) Make two calls to a cacheable resource

JQuery CDN is a handy little cacheable resource. We make a call twice and check CacheCow header:

const string CacheableResource = "";
var response = client.GetAsync(CacheableResource).
var responseFromCache = client.GetAsync(CacheableResource).
Console.WriteLine(response.Headers.GetCacheCowHeader().ToString()); // outputs ";did-not-exist=true"
Console.WriteLine(responseFromCache.Headers.GetCacheCowHeader().ToString()); // outputs ";did-not-exist=false;retrieved-from-cache=true"

As you can see, second time round the resource came from the cache and the request did not even hit the network.

NOTE: In-Memory storage is OK for test scenarios or cases where the load is limited. In many cases you would choose to use Redis storage or you can implement your own if you need to. If you would need an alternative storage not yet supported, feel free to discuss by opening an issue before sending a PR.

Getting started - ASP.NET MVC Core

From CacheCow 2.0, ASP.NET MVC Core scenarios are supported. Server-side CacheCow has been implemented as a Resource Filter.

1) Add the nuget package:

> install-package CacheCow.Server.Core.Mvc

2) Add HTTP Caching dependencies:

public virtual void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    ... // usual startup code
    services.AddHttpCachingMvc(); // add HTTP Caching for Core MVC

3) Decorate your Controller's actions with HttpCacheFactory attribute

Provide the expiry as the first parameter (number of seconds):

public class MyController : Controller
    public IActionResult Get(int id)
        ... // implementation

Here we have set the expiry to 5 minutes. This covers the basic scenario, browse the samples for the advanced and efficient use cases.

Getting started - ASP.NET Web API

Web API has always been supported by CacheCow but the server-side has been radically changed. There is no more a DelegatingHandler and all you need is to decorate your actions with the HttpCache filter.

1) Add the nuget package:

> install-package CacheCow.Server.WebApi

2) Decorate your Controller's actions with HttpCache attribute

Provide the expiry as a parameter (number of seconds):

public class MyController : ApiController
    [HttpCache(DefaultExpirySeconds = 300)]
    public IHttpActionResult Get(int id)

Here we have set the expiry to 5 minutes. This covers the basic scenario, browse the samples for the advanced and efficient use cases.

CacheCow Header

CacheCow.Client and CacheCow.Server variants include diagnostic headers (x-cachecow-client and x-cachecow-server) to inform you of the actions taken and their results. They are useful in debugging and in case you would like to log them to understand cache hit ratios.

CacheCow.Client Header

The header name is x-cachecow-client and can optionally contain extensions below (values separated by semicolon) depending on the scenario:

CacheCow.Server Header

The header name is x-cachecow-server and contains extensions below (values separated by semicolon):

Running Samples

CacheCow project contains 3 sample projects that demonstrate how to use both client and server libraries. The samples are exactly similar in functionality, shared by CacheCow.Samples.Common project. Server is an API hosting functionality for adding, modifying and querying cars. it a command-line interface with 6 options to choose from:

Samples screenshot

After choosing options A, L or X application prints the value of the CacheCow header from both client and the server. These values will denote the caching actions taken and their result.

You can test and try different scenarios. For example:


You can run this sample on Windows, Mac and Linux and requires .NET Core +2.0. Essentially in your shell of your choice cd to the CacheCow.Samples.MvcCore folder and type:

dotnet run


This is a simple Web API example that displays out-of-the-box features for Web API. This sample is in .NET 4.52 and you can build and run as a console app on Windows.


This is an advanced Web API example that displays advanced features of server-side CacheCow, especially IoC. This sample is in .NET 4.52 and you can build and run as a console app on Windows.


This sample is for a typical Carter implementation. You can run this sample on Windows, Mac and Linux and requires .NET Core +2.0. Essentially in your shell of your choice cd to the CacheCow.Samples.Carter folder and type:

dotnet run

CacheCow.Server advanced options

Scenarios in the Getting-Started sections above choose simple out-of-the-box options to get you started. Depending on the load on your server, these are not necessarily the optimal. To get the best out of your API's caching, you would have to do a little more work and help CacheCow optimise HTTP Caching. By default, CacheCow server relies on Serialising your payloads/viewmodels to generate ETag. While for low-mid traffic scenarios this could be sufficient, it would be detrimental for high-load APIs or cases where your payload is big. That is why, instead of leaving CacheCow to generate ETag (rather TimedETag) by serialisation, you could supply it yourself.

There are two times when a TimedETag is needed:

TimedETag when serving the ViewModel

TimedETag needs to be included in the response headers (in the form of ETag or Last-Modified headers). If your view models implement ICacheResource, CacheCow will attempt to get TimedETag by calling interface's only method. Otherwise it will use serialisation unless you provide an alternative ITimedETagExtractor implementation that extracts the TimedETag. And example would be an implementation that uses LastModifiedDate field and turns it into an ETag by binarisation (example here).

TimedETag when carrying out validation

This is the preemotive validation of the resource in response to conditional GET (or PUT/PATCH/DELETE). In case of a conditional GET, client requests for a later version of the resource unless it has changed since it has had its version, providing its last modified date or ETag(s). In this case, by default, CacheCow allows the call to controller to load the view model and then generates its TimedETag (by querying ICacheResource or serialisation). If the version the client has is still the most recent, it will send back status 304 or NotModified. While this reduces network traffic and reduces server (and client) resource usage, it does not relieve pressure from your back-end services. That is where ITimedETagQueryProvider interface comes into play: by implementing this interface you could go back to your back-end store and check whether the condition is met without loading the whole view model from the back-end services. For example, you could go back to the record requested and check if the LastModifiedDate matches.

This table highlights different options in CacheCow.Server and value associated with each. Benefits of different CacheCow.Server Approaches

Dependency Injection scenarios on ASP.NET Core

ASP.NET Core can already integrate with Dependency Injection frameworks and supports resolving its own dependencies through such abstractions. One of the challenges with server-side CacheCow is that there interfaces such as ITimedETagExtractor or ITimedETagQueryProvider would have implementations that would be different for different resources (rather view models). For example, if an API serves 3 entities as Customer, Product and Order you would need 6 different implementations, one for each entity and one for each collection (e.g. IEnumerable<Customer>). It would be certainly cleaner to have one implementation per each and somehow know the view model type of each action. Looking at the return type is an option but quite commonly actions return IActionResult.

So the solution is to let the filter on the action define the type of the view model. Hence, for example, on a CarController's Get action, you would define ViewModelType in the attribute as below:

public class CarController : Controller
    [HttpCacheFactory(300, ViewModelType = typeof(Car))]
    public IActionResult Get(int id)
        ... // implementation

This will help CacheCow to know that it should look for ITimedETagExtractor<Car> and you would create an implementation for ITimedETagExtractor<Car> and register it on your DI container.

The same applies to ITimedETagQueryProvider<T>, essentially: 1) define ViewModelType on filter 2) implement generic interfaces 3) register them in your container

Configuration options with ASP.NET Core

CacheCow uses Options Pattern to allow consumers to configure a few options at the time of using AddHttpCachingMvc. Currently you can control whether to emit CacheCow diagnostic header (for now default is true) and also whether respect configuration:

services.AddHttpCachingMvc(options =>
    options.EnableConfiguration = true; // default is false
    options.DoNotEmitCacheCowHeader = false; // default is true

If you enable configuration (using EnableConfiguration = true), CacheCow will try to read expiry values from .NET Core's IConfiguration. For example using the appsettings.json below, you can override the settings defined in the attribute:

          "Expiry": "00:00:10"

Example below assumes a controller of "Test" and action of "Get" and it sets the cache expiry to 10 seconds. The value of controller and action are picked up from the route data and the keys need to be defined under "CacheCow" entry.

As per .NET Core configuration, you can override file configuration values with environment variables or command line arguments.

At this point, there is also "Enabled" property that can be set to false to disable CacheCow for a particular controller/action - something that might be handy during development. For example, setting environment variable "CacheCowTestGet__Enabled" to "false" will turn off CacheCow functionality on action Get of controller Test.

Dependency Injection scenarios on ASP.NET Web API

You should first register default types in your Web API Dependency Resolver:

// registering in a Windsor Castle container
    (t1, t2, isTransient) =>
        if (isTransient)

The rest to use ITimedETagExtractor<T> and ITimedETagQueryProvider<T> is similar to ASP.NET Core: simply define ViewModelType and register your dependencies.

Migrating older CacheCow.Server projects to the new CacheCow.Server.Core.Mvc or CacheCow.Server.WebApi

Almost all projects using CacheCow.Client would carry on working in version 2.0. But servider-side implementation has been radically changed and in many ways simplified. In order to migrate: