aliyun-beta / aliyun-oss-ruby-sdk

Ruby SDK for Aliyun Open Simple Storage
Apache License 2.0
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Aliyun OSS SDK

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It is a full-featured Ruby Library for Aliyun OSS API. We provide two ways to help you use the API: Function based and Object based. Besides, We try to keep things natural and reasonable, but there are always some leaky, welcome to give us advice and modification. Enjoy it!


It's a Ruby Gem, so you can install it like any Gem:

gem install aliyun-oss-sdk

If you use Gemfile manage your Gems, Add below to your Gemfile.

gem "aliyun-oss-sdk", require: 'aliyun/oss'

And run:

bundle install  


Here is original Restful API, It has the most detailed and authoritative explanation for every API.

Here is thr RDoc Document for this Library, use to find mostly usage for methods.

Here are some more guides for help you. Welcome to advice.

Function Based

Object Based


Quick Start

Function Based

require 'aliyun/oss'

# ACCESS_KEY/SECRET_KEY is your access credentials
# host: your bucket's data center host, eg:
# Details:
# bucket: your bucket name

client ='ACCESS_KEY', 'SECRET_KEY', host: '', bucket: 'oss-sdk-dev-hangzhou')

# Upload object
client.bucket_create_object('image.png','path/to/image.png'), { 'Content-Type' => 'image/png' })

# Get Object

# Get all objects in this bucket
# use prefix,marker,delimiter, max-keys to filter results

Object Based

require 'aliyun/oss'

# ACCESS_KEY/SECRET_KEY is your access credentials
# host: your bucket's data center host, eg:
# Details:
# bucket: your bucket name

client ='ACCESS_KEY', 'SECRET_KEY', host: '', bucket: 'oss-sdk-dev-hangzhou')

# Upload object
client.bucket_objects.create('image.png','path/to/image.png'), { 'Content-Type' => 'image/png' })

# Get Object

# Get all objects in this bucket
# use prefix,marker,delimiter, max-keys to filter results

#### Objects #####        
buckets = client.buckets
bucket_objects = client.bucket_objects
bucket_multiparts = client.bucket_multiparts
bucket = client.buckets.list.first  || bucket_name, client: client)
multipart = client.bucket_multiparts.list.first || upload_id, key: object_key, client: client)
bucket_object = client.bucket_objects.list.first || object_key, client: client)
file = || object_key, client: client)
directory = Client.bucket_objects.list.reject(&:file?) || object_key, client: client)

Share your files

Sometimes, you want to share some file from your private bucket with your friends , but you donot want to share your AccessKey, thus, Aliyun provide alternative way: Put signature in URL

We provide a method to get share link for your object:

# Generate Share link expired in 3600 seconds
share_link = client.bucket_get_object_share_link('object-key', 3600)

# OR
file = 'object-key', client: client)
share_link = file.share_link(3600)

Besides, if you need more control for temporary signature:

# Return Singature string
Aliyun::Oss::Authorization.get_temporary_signature('SECRET_KEY', + 60*60, verb: 'GET', bucket: 'bucket-name', key: 'object-name')

Directly POST file to Aliyun OSS

Sometime we may allow user directly upload image or file to Aliyun to improve the upload speed. thus you may need POST form: Post Object

With Post Form, we need Post Policy to restrict permissions, here we provide two methods that you may interesting:

 # policy your policy in hash
 # Return base64 string which can used to fill your form field: policy

 # Get Signature for policy
 # Return Signature with policy, can used to fill your form field: Signature
 client.get_policy_signature(SECRET_KEY, policy)

Here, we provide a DEMO.

API Mapping

We provide two type API: Function Based, Object Based. To help you find your needed methods, here list a mapping from Original Restful API to our methods.



Restful API Function Based Object Based
GetService (ListBucket) bucket_list Buckets#list


Restful API Function Based Object Based
Put Bucket bucket_create Buckets#create
Put Bucket Acl bucket_set_acl Bucket#set_acl
Put Bucket Logging bucket_enable_logging Bucket#enable_logging
Put Bucket Website bucket_enable_website Bucket#enable_website
Put Bucket Referer bucket_set_referer Bucket#set_referer
Put Bucket Lifecycle bucket_enable_lifecycle Bucket#enable_lifecycle
Get Bucket (List Object) bucket_list_objects Bucket_objects#list, Directory#list
Get Bucket ACL bucket_get_acl Bucket#acl!
Get Bucket Location bucket_get_location Bucket#location!
Get Bucket Logging bucket_get_logging Bucket#logging!
Get Bucket Website bucket_get_website Bucket#website!
Get Bucket Referer bucket_get_referer Bucket#referer!
Get Bucket Lifecycle bucket_get_lifecycle Bucket#lifecycle!
Delete Bucket bucket_delete Buckets#delete
Delete Bucket Logging bucket_disable_logging Bucket#disable_logging
Delete Bucket Website bucket_disable_website Bucket#disable_website
Delete Bucket Lifecycle bucket_disable_lifecycle Bucket#disable_lifecycle


Restful API Function Based Object Based
Put Object bucket_create_object BucketObject#create
Copy Object bucket_copy_object BucketObject#copy
Get Object bucket_get_object BucketObject#get
Append Object bucket_append_object BucketObject#append
Delete Object bucket_delete_object BucketObject#delete
Delete Multiple Objects bucket_delete_objects BucketObject#delete_multiple
Head Object bucket_preflight Bucket#preflight, Bucket#options
Put Object ACL bucket_set_object_acl Object#set_acl
Get Object ACL bucket_get_object_acl Object#acl!
Post Object DEMO DEMO
Share Link bucket_get_object_share_link file#share_link

Multipart Upload

Restful API Function Based Object Based
Initiate Multipart Upload bucket_init_multipart BucketMultipart#init
Upload Part bucket_multipart_upload Multipart#upload
Upload Part Copy bucket_multipart_copy_upload Multipart#copy
Complete Multipart Upload bucket_complete_multipart Multipart#complete
Abort Multipart Upload bucket_abort_multipart Multipart#abort
List Multipart Uploads bucket_list_multiparts BucketMultipart#list
List Parts bucket_list_parts Multipart#list_parts


Restful API Function Based Object Based
Put Bucket cors bucket_enable_cors Bucket#enable_cors
Get Bucket cors bucket_get_cors Bucket#cors!
Delete Bucket cors bucket_disable_cors Bucket#disable_cors
OPTIONS Object bucket_get_meta_object Object#meta!


We use minitest for test and rubocop for Syntax checker, If you want to make contribute to this library. Confirm below Command is success:

bundle exec rake test

Authors && Contributors


licensed under the Apache License 2.0