aliyun / aliyun-oss-c-sdk

Aliyun OSS SDK for C
MIT License
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# Alibaba Cloud OSS SDK for C

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Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS) is a cloud storage service provided by Alibaba Cloud, featuring massive capacity, security, a low cost, and high reliability. You can upload and download data on any application anytime and anywhere by calling APIs, and perform simple management of data through the web console. The OSS can store any type of files and therefore applies to various websites, development enterprises and developers. The OSS C SDK provides a variety of interfaces for convenient use of the OSS.


Install OSS C SDK

Environment dependency

The OSS C SDK adopts cURL for network operations on both clients and servers. OSS C SDK uses the APR and APR-Util libraries for memory management and cross-platform operations, and uses the Mini-XML library for parsing XML returned by a request. These external libraries are not included in the OSS C SDK. You need to install these libraries and add their header file directories and the library file directories to the project.

Download and install third-party libraries

libcurl (Version 7.32.0 or above is recommended)

Download from here and install it by referring to libcurl Installation Guide. A typical installation approach is as follows:

    make install


APR (Version 1.5.2 or above is recommended)

Download from here. A typical installation method is as follows:

    make install


APR-Util (Version 1.5.4 or above is recommended)

Download from here. The --with-apr option must be specified during installation. A typical installation method is as follows:

    ./configure --with-apr=/your/apr/install/path
    make install


Mini-XML (Version 2.8 or above is recommended)

Download from here. A typical installation method is as follows:

    make install


CMake (Version 2.6.0 or above is recommended)

Download from here. A typical installation method is as follows:

    make install


Install OSS C SDK

Specify the third-party library header file and library file paths in the cmake command during installation. A typical compilation command is as follows:

    cmake .
    make install



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