alkem-io / populator

Populate the entities in an ecoverse from a defined Google Sheet format
European Union Public License 1.2
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Populate a Alkemio Space with data from a spreadsheet

This repository has functionality to enable the population of a Space with data from a spreadshet. The spreadsheet is a local file, in the "OpenDocument Spreadsheet" (ODS) format.

Spreadsheet Format

The spreadsheet does have a required format. An example of such a sheet is provided in this repo.

If you want to make a custom load of data into an Space then please make a copy of this sheet and fill as needed.

Checks steps before starting:

Populating using custom locations or data file:

Execute the population

Finally you should now be in a position to run the data population!

Now you can navigate the web client and see a sample populated Space - enjoy!


The populator provides the ability to separately create / update the information on the following entities: