allantokuda / kappa-maki

Provide Cucumber users the ability to create locally scoped step definitions and methods such that they are only usable from within one feature. In the style of Spinach.
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Pending Spinach Steps Are Not Supported #1

Open Carlbc18 opened 8 years ago

Carlbc18 commented 8 years ago

For example, CoolKid.feature

Feature: cool kid

Given I am a cool kid
When I do cool things
Then I am a cooler kid

Steps: cool_kid_steps.rb

Cucumber::Features::CoolKid < Cucumber::FeatureSteps

step 'I am a cool kid'
  pending 'i am a cool kid'

step 'I do cool things'
  pending 'I do cool things'

step 'I am a cooler kid'
  pending 'I am a cooler kid'

When this feature is ran via cucumber cucumber features/cool_kid.feature an error is throw:

 undefined method `pending' for #<Cucumber::Features::CoolKid:0x007fd66dfc8668> (NoMethodError)
      ./features/step_definitions/cool_kid_steps.rb:14:in `block in <class:CoolKid>'
allantokuda commented 8 years ago

pending with an optional string argument (default "TODO") is now supported in 0.0.5. Can you give it a try?