allantokuda / kappa-maki

Provide Cucumber users the ability to create locally scoped step definitions and methods such that they are only usable from within one feature. In the style of Spinach.
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Kappa-Maki Gem

kappa-maki gives Cucumber users the option to write local step definitions and pure ruby methods, both declared as belonging only to a particular feature, and not usable for testing any other feature. This provides encapsulation, for large and complex projects that may encounter difficulty scaling their Cucumber test suite. This is based on the same operating principles as Spinach.

The gem does not prevent the declaration use of normal globally shared (entire-World) steps. If both are defined with the same string, the local step definition takes precedence.

Getting started


Author's comments

After happily working on a project that was tested with Spinach, I then began working to another project that was using Cucumber and I couldn't stand the essentially-global namespace! I want to be able to share some things, but not everything. In particular, I want to be able to define local Ruby methods. This gem provides a transparent drop-in solution.