allegro / handlebars-spring-boot-starter

Spring Boot auto-configuration for Handlebars
Apache License 2.0
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Spring Boot Starter Handlebars

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Spring Boot Starter support for (logic-less templates).


Add handlebars-spring-boot-starter as dependency:

repositories {

dependencies {
    compile '$version'


Since version 0.3.0 handlebars-spring-boot-starter requires Spring Boot 2.0, Spring Framework 5 and Java 8.


Spring Boot Starter Handlebars will automatically register handlebars helpers based on project dependencies. Add any handlebars helper to dependencies and you can start using it.

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.jknack:handlebars-helpers:4.2.0',

NOTE: Jackson2Helper will register with name json. Every other helper will register with its default name.

More information about available helpers can be found on

Custom helpers

To register a custom helper use @HandlebarsHelper annotation.


public class CustomHelper {
    CharSequence foo() {
        return 'bar'

More information about how to create custom helpers can be found on Using a HelperSource


Properties space is: handlebars. All basic properties of are available.

Default configuration:

handlebars.enabled: true
handlebars.prefix: classpath:templates/
handlebars.suffix: .hbs
handlebars.cache: true
handlebars.registerMessageHelper: true
handlebars.failOnMissingFile: false
handlebars.bindI18nToMessageSource: false
handlebars.prettyPrint: false
handlebars.infiniteLoops: false

NOTE: handlebars-guava-cache is used as template cache implementation.

resolver configuration allows on/off available handlebars value resolvers. Here goes default configuration:

handlebars.resolver.javaBean: true true
handlebars.resolver.method: false
handlebars.resolver.field: false

More information about value resolvers can be found on Using the ValueResolver.

Custom cache template

Set handlebars template cache by @Bean of type TemplateCache.

Custom template loader

Set handlebars template loader by @Bean of type TemplateLoader.


handlebars-spring-boot-starter is published under Apache License 2.0.