allenbai01 / ProxQuant

ProxQuant: Quantized Neural Networks via Proximal Operators
MIT License
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ProxQuant: Quantized Neural Networks via Proximal Operators

This repository provides the implementation for the paper ProxQuant: Quantized Neural Networks via Proximal Operators by Yu Bai, Yu-Xiang Wang, and Edo Liberty.

Our algorithm uses a suitable proximal operator (with eager projection) to perform quantization in between gradient steps. (In contrast, the straight-through gradient method is equivalent to using a hard quantization mapping with lazy projection.) The proximal operator can be customized to binary, ternary, and multi-bit quantization.


  1. Python 3.6
  2. PyTorch (==0.4.1)
  3. TensorboardX

Train a quantized ResNet on CIFAR-10

Begin by training a full-precision ResNet-20 (similarly for depth {32, 44, 56}) as the warm start:

python --model resnet --model_config "{'depth': 20}" --save resnet20 --dataset cifar10 --batch-size 128 --gpu 0 --epochs 200 --tb_dir tb/ResNet20_FP

Train a binarized net via ProxQuant-binary:

python --model resnet --resume results/resnet20 --model_config "{'depth': 20}" --save resnet20_pq_binary_Adam_run_0 --dataset cifar10 --gpu 0 --batch-size 128 --epochs 300 --reg_rate 1e-4 --tb_dir tb/resnet20_pq_binary_Adam_Freeze_200_run_0 --optimizer Adam --lr 0.01 --projection_mode prox --freeze_epoch 200

Train a binarized net via BinaryConnect:

python --model resnet --resume results/resnet20 --model_config "{'depth': 20}" --save resnet20_bc_Adam_run_0 --dataset cifar10 --gpu 0 --batch-size 128 --epochs 300 --binary_reg 1.0 --tb_dir tb/resnet20_bc_Adam_Freeze_200_run_0 --optimizer Adam --lr 0.01 --binary_regime --projection_mode lazy --freeze_epoch 200

Train a ternarized net via ProxQuant-ternary:

python --resume results/resnet20 --model resnet --model_config "{'depth': 20}" --dataset cifar10 --gpu 0 --epochs 600 --reg_rate 1e-4 --tb_dir tb/resnet20_Adam_Freeze_400_run_0 --optimizer Adam --lr 0.01 --projection_mode prox_ternary --freeze_epoch 400

Corresponding shell scripts for parallellizing multiple runs (requires multiple GPUs) can be found in scripts/.

Train a quantized LSTM on Penn Treebank



The code is based on BinaryNet.pytorch.