allenjzhang / typespec-e2e-demo

TypeSpec Service CodeGen Demo
MIT License
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TypeSpec Server Emitter Demo Repo

This repository contains a number of TypeSpec API specifications and has been set up to test generated server code.

As the server implementations vary, TypeSpec service emitters currently only generate API artifacts such as Models and Controllers as building blocks. This allows automatic updates to the service API and eliminates the need to manually keep them in sync with the API definitions.

With these generated building blocks, you will still need service scaffolding and business logic for a runnable server. However, in this repository, scaffolding code and minimal service stub code have been added so that the demo server projects can all be started for testing. in /servers and each of service folders will provide more information.

If you wish to recreate this folder from scratch or review the scaffolding steps, please see this guide.


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

Repo Initialization

Run the following command once or every time package.json is updated:

npm install

Try out generated service code

List of TypeSpec server emitters:

Emitters enabled Emitter Source
C# ASP.NET GitHub Source
Node.JS/Express Coming Soon

List of specification with server demos:

specification Description ASP.NET Node
widget Sample REST service spec :white_check_mark: Yes --
petstore Sample pet store spec :white_check_mark: Yes --

To try out generated service code for a TypeSpec, please follow the README.MD under `/servers/[PLATFORM]/[spec]. If an existing spec does not have corresponding server project listed, it means it is still work in progress.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.