Since very recently, KNMI publishes the Ensemble members of weather forecasts relevant for Solar- and Wind generation. Alliander is building a history of these. Let's explore if they can make the (uncertainty of) forecasts more precise!
E.g. Forecasting the mean, or forecasting extremes, or forecasting the confidence interval
Other thought; forecasting intervals as point in time, or as scenario's?
Definition of ready:
Why/What: Since very recently, KNMI publishes the Ensemble members of weather forecasts relevant for Solar- and Wind generation. Alliander is building a history of these. Let's explore if they can make the (uncertainty of) forecasts more precise!
E.g. Forecasting the mean, or forecasting extremes, or forecasting the confidence interval Other thought; forecasting intervals as point in time, or as scenario's?
How: ...
Result: Comparative analysis.