allistoncarlos / homebridge-servo-switch

Control a Servo Motor through Homebridge as a switch
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Homebridge Servo Switch

Control a Servo Motor through Homebridge as a switch. Designed to use with RaspberryPi and Homebridge, it helps to transform a dumb lightswitch to a smart one. Depends on python-shell package.


$ sudo npm install -g homebridge-servo-switch


    "platforms": [{
          "platform" : "ServoSwitch",
          "name" : "Servo Switch",
          "switches": [{
            "name" : "Light",
            "gpioPin" : 40,
            "onPulse" : 5.7,
            "offPulse" : 8.3


Using Servo Motor with NodeMCU

I've uploaded a INO file to be used with NodeMCU. It creates a HTTP Server that allows Homebridge to connect and control, through Homebridge HTTP Plugin. I'm using D4, 3v and GND pins to connect the Servo on NodeMCU.

Follows the config.json to configure it EXCLUSIVELY when using NodeMCU

    "accessory": "HTTP-RGB",
    "name": "Light Test",

    "switch": {
        "status": "http://<YOUR_IP>/switch/status",
        "powerOn": "http://<YOUR_IP>/switch/1",
        "powerOff": "http://<YOUR_IP>/switch/0"

Doubts, suggestions and bugs

Please feel free to report at Issues page