allure-framework / allure-cucumberjs

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Allure CucumberJS


Add reporter.js file in feature packages with:

var reporter = require('cucumberjs-allure-reporter');
module.exports = reporter;

Supported configuration keys:

Possible labels:

If you want to cancel step or test, simply throw new Error with message 'Step cancelled' or 'Test cancelled'.

Generate HTML report from Allure results

The Reporter will generate xml files inside of a targetDir, then we need to generate HTML out of them. You can use Maven for that. Copy ready-to-use pom.xml from node_modules/cucumberjs-allure-reporter and run:

mvn site -Dallure.results_pattern=allure-results

It will put HTMLs into target/site/allure-maven-plugin folder. To serve them via localhost:1234 use:

mvn jetty:run -Djetty.port=1234

Otherwise choose one of other ways to generate HTML.

For Developers

Run test examples with:

./node_modules/.bin/cucumber.js features/<FEATURE_NAME>.feature

Available tests:

or run everything with: ./node_modules/.bin/cucumber.js features/

To check protractor screenshot test install protractor and protractor-cucumber-framework and then run tests: ./node_modules/protractor/bin/protractor miscellaneous/protractorScreenshot/conf.js

To check basic logging run: ./node_modules/.bin/cucumber.js miscellaneous/logging

To check basic configuration run: ./node_modules/.bin/cucumber.js miscellaneous/configuration

To check custom tags run: ./node_modules/.bin/cucumber.js miscellaneous/customTagNames

Release notes

01/09/2016 version 1.0.3

11/07/2016 version 1.0.2

06/07/2016 version 1.0.1

02/12/2015 version 1.0.0

01/09/2015 version 0.0.1