almartin82 / projprep

a R package that helps read, clean up, and convert baseball projection data into auction prices.
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projprep is a R package that helps read, clean up, and convert baseball projection data into auction prices.


projprep is written in R. If you're new to R, start by installing:

projprep is not available on CRAN, the home of R packages. That means you'll need to install it with devtools:




Here's how to read in, clean, and convert the steamer projections, available on fangraphs:

raw_steamer <- get_steamer(2017)
steamer_pp <- proj_prep(raw_steamer)
head(steamer_pp$h_final) %>%


dropped 1394 hitters and 173 pitchers from the steamer projections
data because ids could not be matched.  these are usually players
with limited AB/IP.  see `fangraphs_unmatched` for names.

building a projection_prep object!
using the following hitting categories: r, rbi, sb, tb, obp
using the following pitching categories: w, sv, k, era, whip
TODO: to change any of these settings, run `set_defaults()`.

filtering players with invalid positions for your league settings.
filtered 0 hitters and 0 pitchers.
finding h replacement-level players, assuming 12 teams.
finding p replacement-level players, assuming 12 teams.
re-calculating value over h replacement, by position.
re-calculating value over p replacement, by position.
calculating prices for h players
there are 133 h players with total value greater than replacement level
calculating prices for p players
there are 109 p players with total value greater than replacement level

   mlbid        fullname firstname   lastname position priority_pos
1 454560      A.J. Ellis      A.J.      Ellis        C            C
2 543362    A.J. Jimenez      A.J.    Jimenez        C            C
3 150229 A.J. Pierzynski      A.J. Pierzynski        C            C
4 572041    A.J. Pollock      A.J.    Pollock       OF           OF
5 607223       A.J. Reed      A.J.       Reed       1B           1B
6 623510     A.J. Simcox      A.J.     Simcox       SS           SS
  projection_name  ab  r rbi sb  tb   obp   r_zscore rbi_zscore
1         steamer  90 10  10  1  32 0.340 -4.6265175 -3.8746920
2         steamer   1  0   0  0   0 0.274 -5.4241929 -4.5539330
3         steamer   1  0   0  0   0 0.299 -5.4241929 -4.5539330
4         steamer 519 74  59 23 229 0.341  0.4786053 -0.5464116
5         steamer 127 16  17  0  52 0.318 -4.1479122 -3.3992234
6         steamer   1  0   0  0   0 0.253 -5.4241929 -4.5539330
  sb_zscore  tb_zscore obp_zscore unadjusted_zsum replacement_pos
1 -0.955319 -5.4911269 -5.9997661      -20.947422               C
2 -1.062125 -6.4291408 -7.3302088      -24.799600               C
3 -1.062125 -6.4291408 -7.3291121      -24.798504               C
4  1.394410  0.2835212  0.4220793        2.032204              OF
5 -1.062125 -4.9048682 -5.5704410      -19.084570              1B
6 -1.062125 -6.4291408 -7.3311301      -24.800522              SS
  adjustment_zscore final_zsum  value hit_pitch
1         9.4375119 -11.509910  -56.7         h
2         9.4375119 -15.362089  -76.1         h
3         9.4375119 -15.360992  -76.1         h
4         0.7031254   2.735329   14.7         h
5        -0.4498531 -19.534423  -97.0         h
6         0.9561033 -23.844418 -118.6         h

2017 projections supported

worked last year but currently broken

2016 projections supported, not tested for 2017

not yet supported

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Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.