almeath / DOSBox-SVN-64-bit-for-macOS

DOSBox SVN 64-bit for macOS
GNU General Public License v2.0
3 stars 0 forks source link

This macOS fork of DOSBox SVN 4482 (March 2023) includes the following patches:

If you want to build your own copy of DOSBox SVN using this repository, please follow the instructions below.

For those unable to compile directly, I can provide a pre-built version that contains both a 'standard' and an entirely 'self-contained' application bundle. Full instructions on how to use these apps are included in the DMG file.

How to build DOSBox SVN (64-bit) in macOS

These instructions assume you are familiar with using the Terminal.

A. Install DOSBox Dependencies

  1. Install Xcode command line tools:

    xcode-select --install

  2. Install Homebrew:

  3. Install dependencies with Homebrew:

    brew install libpng

    brew install lzlib

    brew install sdl_net

    brew install sdl_sound

    brew install cmake

If you are using macOS 11 (Big Sur) or later, you need this dependency as well:

   brew install svn

Packages should install by default to: usr/local/Cellar

B. Install Munt

Run the following commands in the Terminal:

   git clone
   cd munt
   mkdir build
   cd build
   cmake -Dmunt_WITH_MT32EMU_SMF2WAV=OFF -Dmunt_WITH_MT32EMU_QT=OFF -Dlibmt32emu_SHARED=0 ../
   sudo make install

This will install the Munt static library to usr/lib/libmt32emu.a

Munt source files should install to 'munt' folder in your home folder. This folder does not need to be retained after running the installation command.

C. Build DOSBox

Download the DOSBox source as a zip file and extract to the desktop. Rename the folder to dosbox.

Run the following commands in the Terminal:

cd $HOME/Desktop/dosbox ./ ./configure make

For a faster build, you can use 4 threads with the following command:

   make -j4

The DOSBox binary should successfully build and be located in $HOME/Desktop/dosbox/src

The resulting binary can then replace the one inside a standard DOSBox 0.74 application bundle (under /Contents/MacOS)

You can edit /Contents/Info.plist to change the app name, copyright etc.

Running the application should then generate a separate "DOSBox SVN Preferences" in the $HOME/Library/Preferences folder