aloisdeniel / flutter_shared_ui_poc

A proof that ui can be shared between flutter mobile and web.
MIT License
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This project is just a temporary workaround for sharing more code between platforms. At one point, Flutter Web will be merged into the main repository and you will be able to generate a web app from an existing mobile app (more info here and here). Obviously, it is recommended to wait for the merge (though the code produced with flutter_cross will be updated to work also with end configuration).

Today, flutter and flutter_web are two distinct frameworks, so user intefaces can't be shared between a mobile and a web app.

This project demonstrates a principle for sharing UI code between flutter and flutter_web based on conditional imports.


To create your cross-platform UI project, you must use the flutter_cross package instead of the platform specific framework.

Use flutter_cross packages from git

The pubspec.yaml file of your shared package should have those dependencies :

name: flutter_cross_example

  sdk: '>=2.2.0 <3.0.0'

  flutter_cross: any

# flutter_cross package is not published to
# These overrides tell the package tools to get them from GitHub
      path: packages/flutter_cross

Update imports

Code your flutter app like you would have with Flutter, except :

Import from platforms

You can share 100% of your app in shared code, or several widgets only.

If you share Widgets and use them in your platform code, you IDE will break because shared Widgets arent platform ones by default (even if at compile time they are). Simply cast them as dynamic in such situation.

The trick

The interresting parts are in the flutter_cross export files.

export 'package:flutter_stub/material.dart'
  // ignore: uri_does_not_exist
  if (dart.library.html) 'package:flutter_web/material.dart'
  // ignore: uri_does_not_exist
  if ( 'package:flutter/material.dart';

This conditional exports tell the compiler that it should override the default stubs for the dedicated platform dependencies.

Repository's structure

The project contains three different parts.

flutter_stub & flutter_stub_ui

A plain dart package that abstracts every common Flutter APIs (and depends neither on dart:io and dart:html).

To create those packages, I forked flutter/flutter_web repository and :

A generator could be implemented to automate this process.


This package exposes the right API regarding the current target : flutter_web if dart:html is available, flutter if dart:io is available, else flutter_stub.


The example project that shows a mobile and a web app that uses a Widget that is declared in a third shared_ui project.

All the application is exactly the same as a Flutter one, except that imports should be :