alopezlago / YetAnotherPacketParser

A parser to convert quiz bowl packets to different file formats
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Yet Another Packet Parser


Yet Another Packet Parser (YAPP) is a parser for quiz bowl packets written in C#. Some of its features are

You can try out a simple demo of the parser here.


Command-line program

The command line program takes in a docx file and writes it to another file (by default, JSON)

YetAnotherPacketParserCommandLine.exe -i C:\qbsets\packet1.docx -o C:\qbsets\packet1.json

If you want to output it to an HTML file, set the format to html

YetAnotherPacketParserCommandLine.exe -i C:\qbsets\packet1.docx -o C:\qbsets\packet1.json -f html

To see the list of all flags, run

YetAnotherPacketParserCommandLine.exe --help


YAPP comes with a C# library that is consumable through Nuget. You need to get the stream to the file and set the right compiler options, then call PacketConverter.ConvertPackets. For example, to convert a packet to HTML, you can use something like

IPacketConverterOptions packetCompilerOptions = new HtmlPacketCompilerOptions()
    StreamName = "packet1.html",
    PrettyPrint = options.PrettyPrint

IEnumerable<ConvertResult> results;
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream("C:\\qbsets\\packet1.docx", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
    results = await PacketConverter.ConvertPacketsAsync(fileStream, packetCompilerOptions);

ConvertResult compileResult = outputResults.First();
if (!compileResult.Result.Success)

File.WriteAllText(options.Output, compileResult.Result.Value);

Note that the method can take in a zip file too, and it will return all of the packets it attempted to parse.

