alordiel / dropdown-multisite-selector

A WordPress Plugin for multisite purposes
GNU General Public License v2.0
2 stars 4 forks source link

Plugin Name

Requires at least: WordPress 3.8

Tested up to: WordPress 6.4.1

Stable tag:

License: GPLv2 or later

License URI:


With this plugin you can create fully configurable dropdown field which select options would work as links and will redirect the user to the selected one. It was originally built for multisite for faster navigation between each sub-site, but currently it also supports custom links as options from the dropdown.

There are three options:

You can manage:

Once you have saved your settings you can see the result using this shortcode [dms] or use the widget.


[dms] - Using this shortcode will generate the same dropdown as the one you have configured in the admin settings panel.

[dms_manual name="" placeholder="" target="" options=""] - Use this one your own dropdown that has nothing to do with the settings you have set. The arguments of this shortcode are:

An example:

[dms_manual name="Label" placeholder="--Select--" target="blank" options="Trusted search engine|, Tracking search engine|"]

If you would more functionality, please contact me to check if I can implement it. Also thanks to everyone giving me hints how to improve this plugin.

Filters in the code

Here are some filters that you can use to modify the results from the code:


From your WordPress dashboard

  1. Visit 'Plugins > Add New'
  2. Search for 'Dropdown Multisite Selector'
  3. Activate Dropdown Multisite Selector from your Plugins page. To start building your dropdown go to Settings -> Dropdown multisite.


  1. Download 'Dropdown Multisite Selector'.
  2. Upload the 'dropdown-multisite-selector' directory to your '/wp-content/plugins/' directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc...)
  3. Activate it from your Plugins' page.