alphagov / govuk-design-guide

This is a working repo for the GOV.UK Design Guide
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GOV.UK Publishing Design Guide


How to run the GOV.UK Publishing Design Guide on your machine

  1. Before running a local version of the Publishing Design Guide on your computer ensure that you have the following installed:
  2. Once you have those installed, clone this repo.
  3. Once it's cloned, in the terminal run:
    npm install
  4. Once all the packages been installed you should be able to run a local version of the Publishing Design Guide by running:
    npm start
  5. When the server is active enter http://localhost:8080/ in your browser's address bar. In doing so, a local version of the Publishing Design Guide will run on your computer.

How to contribute to the GOV.UK Publishing Design Guide

  1. Before contributing be sure to pull the latest version of the main on your local machine.
  2. Create a brand new branch from main.
  3. Depending on your scenario: