alphagov / paas-steampipe-dashboard

a based dashboard for GOV.UK PaaS and related things
MIT License
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GOV.UK PaaS dashboard

A dashboard to monitor the GOV.UK PaaS platform.

Uses Steampipe to access all the component parts from the underlying infrastructure in AWS and Aiven through to the Cloud Foundry core of the paas, its code base and supporting tools.

see kanban board for current plan.

Originally a :fire: firebreak experiment.


screenshot of the dashboard

Steampipe provides a SQL layer on top of a wide range of cloud platform services that have apis using a postgresql foreign data wrapper.

This dashboard uses to build a set of dashboards over GOV.UK PaaS and its infrastructure.

It uses the Cloud Foundry CLI to access the Cloud Foundry API and list resources such as orgs, apps,services, the data is saved locally as csv files and accessed from a local steampipe dashboard running at http://localhost:9194

It uses the plugins configured in dashboards/mod.sp

The dashboards pull data from the underlying csv files using postgres SQL and render the results as a dashboard.

How it works

1. logs into Cloud Foundry instances using the CF CLI

cf login --sso

2. extracts data in csv format from the Cloud Foundry API

cf curl /v3/foobar | in2csv -f json -k resources converting JSON into CSV using csvkit's in2csv

3. Logs into AWS using GDS CLI using MFA and assumes a role with read only permissions

gds aws paas-prod-ro

4. extracts AWS data into CSV using steampipe aws plugin

steampipe query query.sql -- output csv

5. launches steampipe dashboard

Render results locally accessing data from plugins, running SQL queries against the normalised data using postgresql

Read about the data model


Assumes you are on a mac with homebrew installed with /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

# homebrew packages
brew install cf-cli@8      # Cloud Foundry CLI
brew install gawk          # GNU awk
brew install gh            # GitHub CLI
brew install glow          # Glow CLI for markdown 
brew install gnu-sed       # GNU sed
brew install jq            # JSON wrangling tool
brew install steampipe     # make cloud apis queryble via SQL 
brew install yq            # YAML tools

# python tools
pip3 install csvkit        # csv wrangling tools
pip3 install visidata      # data wrangling swiss army penknife tool

that you are on the VPN

you have a GOV.UK PaaS account with global auditor permissions and you are logged in using make login

you are a gds-user with permisssions to assume role into all the paas infrastructure AWS accounts

you have the aiven CLI configured with an access token to list services


1. install dependencies

git clone

cd paas-steampipe-dashboard

make dependencies to install all the necessary packages

2. configure plugins

see config for examples

vim ~/.steampipe/config

3. extract data

you need creds to access the AWS accounts

gds aws paas-prod-ro -- make data

this logs into to AWS and Cloud Foundry, extracts data locally in csv format

4. run dashboard

make dashboard to run the dashboard with the current data and launch dashboard at http://localhost:9194

does not need Cloud Foundry or AWS creds because the dashboard uses local data

5. work with data

use steampipe service start to run locally and steampipe service status to get creds to configure your favourite postgres tools.