alphazero / jredis

Java Client and Connectors for Redis
Apache License 2.0
315 stars 136 forks source link

Support for Redis 2.0 #25

Closed kunal546 closed 13 years ago

kunal546 commented 13 years ago

When do you plan to support Redis 2.0? Some commands like MULTI/EXEC command are really useful.

alphazero commented 13 years ago

Noted. My time is very constrained by professional demand and its been delayed but is definitely on the immediate todos.

alphazero commented 13 years ago


kunal546 commented 13 years ago

I was actually asking for Redis 2.0 support. I think the master branch just has a Redis 2.0 "compatible" src. I think it's still missing some command set support like MULTI/EXEC. Right? I completely understand your time constraints.