alphazero / jredis

Java Client and Connectors for Redis
Apache License 2.0
316 stars 136 forks source link

(This README is mainly addressing the project structure and build. For information about JRedis, please see the RELEASE-NOTES.)


Project uses Maven 2 as the build management system. You will need maven to conveniently build and package the project jars.

Project master is built on Mac OS X 10.5 using maven 2.0.9.

Project is not yet using assemblies, but is a multi-module maven build with master POM in root directory (where you found this document).

Each module has its own pom, but you will need to run maven with specific goals at the level of a major sub-module. As of now (intial release alpha.0-04152009) that translates to a 'Core' and an 'Examples'.

If you wish to use JRedis only you will need the product of the Core-RI (reference implementation).

If you wish to run benchmarks + use JRedis, you will also need to build the Core-BENCHMARK.

Simplest thing to do is to run maven with goal package at the Core module level. This will initiate and build each module in Core:

API - The specifications, which are mostly interfaces. RI - The reference implementation, which is you will use. BENCH - The benchmark classes ALL - A convenience virtual module that will build a unified jar of all modules besides itself in Core.

On command line in ~/core/., issue:

mvn install

This will compile, test, package, and install JRedis core artifacts in your local repository and create a set of jars in each core module's 'target' directory.

The pom of the Core as well as the super pom in the root folder use a source attachment plugin, so a source jar will also be created for each module.

The poms of core-ri, core-bench, and core-all use a include dependencies mechanism which will build, besides the individual module's jar, an aggregate unified jar of the module's classes + the classes of any dependency it has declared. (Only install goal will do this -- package goal will simply create the module's own jar file(s)).

For example, issuing mvn install from core will create in module core-bench's target directory the class and source jars for the BENCH module + a single jar containing all dependencies, which for BENCH are 'API' and 'RI'.

The build system uses a structured naming convention which results in longish names, but it is very effective. (You can obviously simply change the jar names when you deploy to your application's lib or jvm classpath as you see fit.)

The super pom in project root will initiate the same for all modules of JRedis, which as of now are CORE, and EXAMPLES. (Same considerations apply here.)


Running unit tests is absolutely critical to a sane process for developing JRedis, given that it is subject to a very demanding refactoring regime (as it is a work in progress).

That means testing is critical for the master copy and accordingly ALL poms in the project require SUCCESSFUL tests after compile before continuing.


So, as tests on a connector without a server are fairly pointless, this project will NOT build unless you have your localhost (6379) Redis server running.


If you do not have password set on your redis, no worries.

If you do, the build will fail, unless you do one of the following:

1) Change the password in core/pom.xml to match your password in redis.conf

2) Alternatively tell maven to skip tests:

mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true install


