alphazero / jredis

Java Client and Connectors for Redis
Apache License 2.0
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JRedisClient leaving connection open after calling quit #32

Closed nreese closed 13 years ago

nreese commented 13 years ago

I am running redis 1.2.6 and jredis 1.0.rc2

Start redis server, then monitor the open clients/connections by running redis-stat. Run the example code below. Notice how the client gets cleaned up but the connection remains open.

JRedisClient client = new JRedisClient(redisHost, redisPort); byte[] resource = client.get(key); client.quit();

nreese commented 13 years ago

After further research it looks like the connections are getting closed properly

redis-stat clients: connected clients redis-stat connections: total number of connections received.

netstat -a | grep 6379 displays active connections once quit has been called, the active connections are closed