alphazero / jredis

Java Client and Connectors for Redis
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Exception using jredisPipeline #36

Open vishnudeepak opened 13 years ago

vishnudeepak commented 13 years ago

This is happenening when i am doing multigets /gets /sets after the socket timeout exception happens.

The socket timeout is happening when i am setting a lot of keys in a tight loop using JredisPipelineService.

Above two are happening concurrently and this is what i am seeing in the logs.

Here's the stack trace.

on pendingResponse.get() at org.jredis.ri.alphazero.connection.SynchPipelineConnection.serviceRequest(S 92) at org.jredis.ri.alphazero.JRedisPipelineService.serviceRequest(JRedisPipeline 96) at org.jredis.ri.alphazero.JRedisSupport.mget( at com.kaboodle.core.cache.impl.JredisCacheServiceImpl.mget(JredisCacheService 133) Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: Provider Exception at org.jredis.ri.alphazero.connection.PendingRequest.checkStatus(PendingReques 112) at org.jredis.ri.alphazero.connection.PendingRequest.get( 134) at org.jredis.ri.alphazero.connection.PendingRequest.get( 26) at org.jredis.ri.alphazero.connection.SynchPipelineConnection.serviceRequest(S 80) ... 67 more Caused by: org.jredis.ProviderException: Bug? Expecting status code for size/count at org.jredis.ri.alphazero.protocol.SynchProtocol $SynchMultiLineResponseBase.readControlLine( at org.jredis.ri.alphazero.protocol.SynchProtocol $ at org.jredis.ri.alphazero.connection.PipelineConnectionBase $ ... 1 more